Should it still feel a bit sore?

Shaved with a feather for first time, at about 11:30, face still feels a bit sore.

Previously used derby extra and didn't get this sensation.

A bit too close maybe?

Going to see how the next few shaves go with it then testing Gillette 7 o'clock yellow.
It might be the blade that you're not used to. Keep the pressure really light. Ideally when trying out new blades I'd say try four or five one after the other. This gives you a good couple of weeks getting used to that particular blade. Try to keep the same razor, soap and routine to omit other variables. It will take a little while to decide what works for you but I reckon it's worth it.

^^^ That is the ideal, but tbh I haven't really tried and tested blades that way, but personally I don't find that much difference between the different manufacturers.
I done a 3 pass shave, wtg and 2 xtg opposite directions.

I think at time there may have been a bit to much pressure.

The only difference to my other shave was that I normally put jojoba oil on before my cream. This time I didn't. Not sure how much effect this could have had.
Robbo said:
I done a 3 pass shave, wtg and 2 xtg opposite directions.

I think at time there may have been a bit to much pressure.

The only difference to my other shave was that I normally put jojoba oil on before my cream. This time I didn't. Not sure how much effect this could have had.

Uh-oh two things changed... now you don't know which one caused the pain...

Change one thing at a time then you know which one thing caused the pain (or conversely what made it more wonderful)
I know silly error.

Just had a closer look, a lot of the 'rash' is off my super duper fusion proglide I used last week that accidentally got smashed to bits.

Maybe I should give it a week to let any old bits settle down as well!
Feather blades always give me irritation, thats why I dont use them.

We have a sales rep stay at the hotel I work at, who often leaves me a few packs when he stays. I've not got the heart to say that I cant use them so I tend to PIF them on to people that I know like them!
Smell The Glove said:
Too much pressure maybe?

The Feather is a sharp, but an unforgiving blade. The phrase "let the razor do the work" was invented with this blade in mind I'm sure.
+1 on that. One month on from starting to DE shave and I thought it would be a great idea to ignore all sane advice and try a feather...
Obviously a great blade, but not in my inept learner hands. The bleeding did stop eventually...

I'm going to shelve them for a few months.
I remember my first time with a feather. I was amazed at how easy it cut through the hair. I also remember how tender it made me feel after!

Still, i do like the blades.
I'm one of those lucky people who get on OK with Feathers. I find them ruthlessly efficient, but you do have to be very light with them - no pressure at all. I also manage to get about 6-7 shaves out of a blade, but then I do soak and soften my whiskers well. I use them in an iKon open comb razor which gives a very efficient, easy shave with no irritation. However, I do find going against the grain is a certain recipe for redness and rash for me.

I'd advise staying clear of against the grain shaving unless you're really happy with it - ingrown hairs are much more likely.
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