Shopping in Italy and Spain

I have relatives going to Italy and Spain in the coming months and was wondering what the best shops are to buying shaving creams and soaps?

My parents are going to the Italian lakes and a friend going to Spain so I'm looking at hopefully getting them to purchase some Omega, Cella and Prorosa, and La Toja respectively. Are these items just stocked in pharmacies like here or are they available from specialist barbers.

Anyone that's bought these abroad I would appreciate any info!

Unlike the UK, Italian pharmacies are for pills exclusively...get them to look in general grocery stores where they will probably find Proraso and Cella next to Daz.
Aye I spent ages in Italy going into Pharmacies and I did find some AV and some Proraso but it was well overpriced. Local supermarkets are the best place, I got some swedes in there for "normal prices", they only had a couple of packets but I cleared what they had.
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