Shopping in Florida

Off to Florida soon on holiday any tips on where I can pick up some supplies. Will be getting some Personna Blues from Walmart and hear the Crabtree and Evelyn outlet is good value for soap but heard mixed reviews on its performance.

Any recommendations???
I was at the C&E outlet just past I Drive in May and they only had some cream in a tube and they weren't discounted, it was really only hand cream and body soap they were selling. The L'Occitane stores sell cream , balm , soap and brushes but unfortunately they aren't much cheaper than to buy online in the UK. The best deals are in Walmart, CVS ,Publix and Wallgreens who will sell Pinaud splash and styptic etc. They also sell Aqua Velva and a few other things. Check out Whole Foods they sell the big bottle of Thayers Witch Hazel in various scents for $9. There is definitely more to be had wet shaving wise there than here but all the shops sell similar stuff. Bath and Bodyworks sell C O Bigelow cream and a few of their own scented aftershaves as well. I tend to buy stuff online and have it posted to my destination to take advantage if the free shipping when I've spent over $50 or $60. Maggard razors is a good one stop shop for everything as well PAA and Shave Revolution. Enjoy.
And don't forget to try different branches of the same shop because in the case of Publix, CVS, Wallgreens etc don't all do the same prices for the same stuff. I got my dad and father in law a Van Der Hagen deluxe set which has the soap , bowl and brush for under $5 each.
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