Shaving buying mistakes

Still early days for me, but the poorest buy to date was 'E Shave lavender after shave soother'. It's a bit thick for me and makes my face feel a little sticky.

However, it's brilliant as a moisturiser for my dry feet. Every cloud had a silver lining!
I agree about people getting caught up in the overly aggressive gear side. I thought the idea was to achieve a comfortable close shave and to save a few quid over the exaubatant cost of the Mach 3 and it's like. I don't think I will use anything more aggressive than my Ikon 102 slant. Get the blade wrong in that and I know about it.
Buying blades in bulk (100 at a time) when I'd only used a couple of trial blades. I have 80+ Astra Green that will probably never get used in my razors.

A boar brush I bought, horrible thing, just will not lather :(

That's actually it, everything else I've bought works, some of it might not get used much, but it does the job acceptably when I do choose to use it.
Buying blades in bulk (100 at a time) when I'd only used a couple of trial blades. I have 80+ Astra Green that will probably never get used in my razors.

A boar brush I bought, horrible thing, just will not lather :(

That's actually it, everything else I've bought works, some of it might not get used much, but it does the job acceptably when I do choose to use it.
I did the same with 50 Astra blades. Only used 2
Wickham Sheridan's, nice enough soap but scent a big let down, was soldiering on until SWMBO ordered it out of the house (but hush! hush! I am secretly keeping it in my bike shed lid off airing)
These are my mistakes, I don't want to influence anyone in wrong way but probably most people here would agree with my list: 1-Erasmic stick, 2-Pitralon Original(smells awful), 3-Body Shop synthetic brush, 4-Erasmic Brush, 5-Wilkinson Blue Bowl soap
Not really anything, because I don't follow hypes and have a ability to do a good research before I would buy a product. And actually even if I bought it without any research I have been fine, only in the scent department I would not buy certain products anymore. But when talking about performance, I have yet to find a very bad product.

Or perhaps I already but I suppose I forget about these experiences, I only remember a Nanjie TTO Safety Razor which didn't work that well for me. And later I even managed to break it, but nothing I could have been sad about.
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