Shaving bowl or not

After days of using a bowl to lather my shaving cream I decided to just face lather....What a diffrence it was more controlerble & easyer to gauge how thick it needed to be,
does anyone else prefer this method?.
The fact is, like in every aspect of life, we all enjoy different things. I switch between soaps and creams and between bowl and face lathering. And between a scrubby exfoliating massage and gentle painting on of the lather. Each method has its merits.
I haven't used a bowl for about 3 years. I prefer a faff-free shave and the less pots I have to wash, the better.
I find that theyre almost one in the same. I bowl lather (well I use a scuttle coz it keeps the lather warm), but I spend as much time applying the ready made lather to my face. So I guess im kind of using a combination of both. Everyones face is so different, evryones entire shaving routine will differ in some aspects.

Just keep experimenting, and you'll learn what suits you best.
Although I face lather, for those who use Prof B's very generously sized containers it's easy to effectively generate a gr8 lather utilising the container as a bowl.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
JohnnyO said:
Although I face lather, for those who use Prof B's very generously sized containers it's easy to effectively generate a gr8 lather utilising the container as a bowl.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

Seconded. I only use the profs soaps or Nannys now. (Gotta say I prefer the Nanys just coz its softer)

The profs Balsam is the best post shave treatment/moisturiser ive ever used. Good value too.
If I face lather my only hard soap (T&H) it feels like it works better if that makes sense. I own 2 creams, T&H and TOBS, I like lathering those in a bowl as they seem to be cold if I face lather which isn't a particularly nice feeling after the hot shower prep etc.
So to answer the 'Shaving bowl or not' I'd have to say both particularly when someone can produce something as nice as this, which whether you us it or not, looks rather fetching in the bathroom.
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