Shavemac Question...

I have to admit 26-28 mm is my favourite sized knot from Bernd. The XMAS LE being the perfect blend of super soft tips and backbone. I cannot wait for the high density brushes to arrive!

For me the Xmas LE, luscious though it is, could stand more backbone. The size is perfect though and the barber handle extremely comfortable, so I'm very excited about the newest LE.
With this brush unlike the normal silvertip 2 band it may have some scritch out of the box and lose a few hairs. However, from the group buy both of these should be largely reduced.
Ah, many thanks! I'll reckon I'll be after a 173 in Fan as soon as I can afford it. If I sourced a blank myself, would Bernd do a 173 for me? I like Blue Marble but I want something special. Maybe one for a future group buy if not?
Yeah he should be fine with that best to drop him an email to double check.
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