Shave Sticks, is there an alternative way of applying?

After yesterdays all round disappointment with an Erasmic Stick, today was a couple of shaves with a Palmolive.

The experience was better as the lather stayed through each pass, which was nice ;) Unfortunately am not mad on the application side of it. I am sure i read somewhere on a forum that someone had melted a stick into a mug and was using it that way. Anyone tried it? if anyone has, how far do you melt it down? i was thinking in the microwave and just to soft - suggestions?
If it's soft enough just mold it into a bowl or ramekin and then use as a bowl soap. If a little more brittle then grate it using a cheese grater into a bowl and then add a few drops, perhaps about a teaspoon, or less of hot water, tamp it down (apparently a fork or even a spork is good for this) and let it dry. The stick can then again become a bowl soap, some sticks get crumbly and this is the best way to use those ones.

Just be very careful you don't boil it in the micro, my advise is to avoid if possible although I have read of a few on here who do it without issues.
I've done one using the cheese grater then squishing it into a ramekin with some greaseproof paper on top and a pestle, done in layers. I mixed in a little grated rosewood soap to make it all fancy and exotic like.

I've still got a stick on hand as I do enjoy massaging it into my face on occasion. The stick is also excellent to use for touch-up's or tough patches, just rub a litle on the rough patch and attack with razor.

Edit: Question, my Palmolive ramekin doesn't have a lid and just sits on the shelf - do I need lid? or to stick it in a bag? It seems fine so far, maybe 2 months or so.
you can either use the stick on your chops or load the brush from it

i grated Palmolive, WS and Speick sticks into individual bowls and use them that way


for some reason i find (think) they work better left as they are, especially Palmolive
that could just be me though :?

echo above advice about micro-waving, only do this on glycerin based soaps
not tallow, not palmate or anything else
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