Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 9th October 2010

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Razor: Wilkinson Sword Hydro 3
Brush: Semogue Owners' Club
Cream: Acqua Di Parma Colonia
Aftershave: Taylor of Old Bond St #74 (Victorian Lime)

Nice brush. Already splayed a lot and some hairs have split as I gave it a few 'test' lathers yesterday. I reckon this time next week it'll be hitting its stride.
Thuesday, 10-14-10.

Soap from Alepo - Omega 6236 silvertip - Merkur 37C Slant - Feather #3 - Pre Proraso - Coates Almond shaving cream - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Osage rub sample + ASB Sul Filo del Rasoio.


ikon classic bulldog
Super-max (4)
NF silver

Niva ASB
Dark temptation AS

Really superb shave.These super-max really work for me,sharp and smooth and at 4 shaves still going strong ,try for a 5th tomorrow. The more I use ingrams the more I like it .I find it provides excellent cushion and glide all in a thick rich lather. NF .... go to brush and the ikon ? for me pretty near perfect.

I'm going to have to tear myself away from this line up ! Something I will have to do as auditions must be held for the performers waiting in the wings !

Have a fine day gents.
BlacknTan said:
Thanks be to whatever Higher Power watches over these men for what is likely to be a totally successful conclusion... this time.

As I've watched the miners coming up and dropping to their knees and praying and giving thanks to God for getting them out, I've been bemused. How do people who believe that a God has the power to influence what happens to these men reconcile the fact that he didn't prevent them getting stuck down there in the first place? (It's a rhetorical question.)

It's the rescue workers and modern engineering that allowed the shaft to be drilled with such precision that should be getting the thanks.

(I thought the pink cylinders in your photo BlacknTan were styptic, but now I've noticed the cap and realised they are shotgun cartridges :? The photo would fit right in with B&B SOTD posts with people artistically composing ammo and guns into their shaving tackle photos.)

Shaving times..

EJ89L + Treet (4)
Beejay silvertip + MWF
Witch Hazel
Touch of Maca Root razor relief on a bit of neck irritation (the Treet went in the blade bin)
Lalique Lion Homme EDT

High Five.

Hot towel and watery lather
Palmolive stick
New Forest 2201
Merkur Futur
L'Oreal whatsit ASB
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes cologne

Having found a blade which (for me) suits the Futur really well, I read that it's going out of production - I find that a really sharp blade such as the Feather or Iridium with a less aggressive razor (I use the Futur set between 1.5 and 2) feels right, and gives me a really comfortable, close shave. Anyway, I've ordered 100 Iridiums from Paul, so if I alternate these with Feathers then I should be ok for a while.
Muhle 89
Astra Plat
AofS badger
Aqua Velva

Day off, spent on my allotment, got home to find the group buy waiting for me so it was an Ingrams/Aqua Velva day. The AV is great stuff, so thanks Max and Steve for all your efforts.

Thursday, 10.14.10

Aura Glow
The much maligned Williams Shave Soap
Semogue SOC Boar
G.H. Pumacker Black Diamond 11/16ths
SRD Premium I Strop ... 40 linen/80 Leather
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm
Ice Blue Aqua Velva

As can be seen from today's pic, I have a very heavy schedule today... Great shave to start crossing jobs off the list!


Merkur Futur
Arko stick
Simpsons Commodore X1
Lloyds Chemist Distilled Witch Hazel
Simple for Men AS Balm
Old Spice Original (Indian version)
Thursday Night:

  • - (H3) Gillette Adjustable Slim, set at '5'
    - Lion Super stainless
    - Nanny's Lavender
    - Le Tuft Urban Hermit Model No. 1 Resyke: boar
    - Thayers' Lavender Witch Hazel
    - Kartopu Kolonya Tütün as ASL[/list:u]

    An' dat's smoove, bruvver; smoooove.
Thursday evening

Hot shower
La Toja stick
Gillette Superspeed
Derby (1)
Williams Aqua Velva
Macca Root razor relief

Totally new experience with the SOC - worked well, but I ran out of the normally plentiful La Toja too quickly! Revisited the Derby's again following a thread I read earlier - not my favourite blade but more than acceptable for a day to day shave. AV came in from the group buy today, nice and smooth, and the macca root sorted the bit of irritation on my neck.
JEWEL (3) still cuts a very nice shave. EJ shave cream and balm samples arrived for each of their scents. Chose the Sandalwood first. I started out slow in the bowl adding drops of water as I went to get it to the right consistency. What a lather! This is my razor - This my blade. Thanks to Damian and Dave (Trainman) for the Jewels. Now if I only had won the Eclipse on eBay. I was sitting there with a 50 or 52 pound bid when the final minute struck and all hell broke loose. Over $300.00 bought it. It didn't have the Red Ring but it sure was a very fine razor to look at. A salute to Sheffield then.



  • Jewel The Sheffield Blade.jpg
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Razor: Wilkinson Sword Hydro 3
Brush: Simpson Tulip T2
Soap: D R Harris Almond
Aftershave: Taylor of Old Bond St #74 (Original)

Neo boxwood best badger
Electric Razor Co. Hamburg Ring 13/16 round

Aldi aftershave

I blame Mikael for that preposterous shave, for putting me in mind of Arko. Not thinking I left too much water in the brush and wound up with enough lather to shave with and a custard pie fight.
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