Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 3rd July 2010

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quattrojames said:
One question, with multiple razors etc, how do you guys keep track of the number of uses your blades have had?

I don't have multiple razors (unless you count a travel razor) but I use a dice after I saw a picture (on B&B I think) of someone with several razors on the go with a dice next to each one.
I'm experimenting with different blades to see any differences in longevity so the dice is useful. I might stick with it though even after I've finished experimenting - it's comforting in an OCD way ;-)

Red Personna (3)
EJ Pure Badger
Ingrams/Body Shop original superlather
Witch Hazel
Blue Stratos

I love the body shop lather but find the scent a bit overpowering. The Ingrams scent is soapier/cleaner and took the edge of the BS cream and gave the menthol cool which I'm starting to love while the weather is warm. I'll definitely do that combination again.

Probably my best shave yet which I put down to improved technique. Still not BBS, but I'm not tempted yet to go ATG or buff on the right of my neck where I'm prone to shaving rash. XTG takes things close enough and no irritation.
Friday, 07-09-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Vie Long 16727 23 mm. - GEM G Bar - Blade GEM #2 - Pre Proraso - TABAC - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL GRAVITY.

Razor: EJ DE87
Blade: Feather
Brush: Duke 2 Best
Soap: D R Harris Almond

This week I've re-visited Iridium Super and Feather blades.

I prefer Feather.

If anyone wants to turn 20 of their their nasty, sharp Feathers into Iridiums (x9), Yellow 7 O'Clocks (x6 - opened) and German Wilkinsons (x5) - let me know.

Gillette "Old Type" OC
Gillette Bleue Extra (3)
Vulfix 404 Boadger
Palmolive Soap milled into a bowl
Nivea Cool Kick ASB
Tabac AS

A really nice shave with the "Old", I do like OC razors, I shimed the razor, put the GBE in and had a DFS.



Gillette Aristocrat (1950's)
SuperThin blade (Thai)
beejay's butterscotch brush
SCS Minted Chocolate cream
Proraso A/S

Very good shave today. Thought I had reached the promised land of BBS, but noticed a small patch of very short stubble tucked away in the corner of my neck whilst at work. However, beejay's brush is certainly getting me closer to my first perfect shave.

SCS Minted chocolate was a change for me, as it is normally too sickly for me to use on a weekday morning, but fancied a menthol day today.
hunnymonster said:
Muggy day here - so the Proraso AS cooled me nicely... could probably do with some of that Alcolado of Sunburyboy's....

*coughs and looks a little shifty*

psst, hey, mac! yeah you. c'm'ere.

If a guy was to go on ebay and buy the one remaining bottle, when it arrives & the safety seal is gone (as they said was the way 'all' their stock of the stuff is), then of course the guy could email them and point it out to 'em and ask: "Hey - whaddaya gonna do about dis, eh?!" well, the guy would likely get it for free - right?

  • ¬.¬[/list:u]

    an' remember: we never had this conversation.
      • Of course, that's entirely for the sake of my odd sense of humour. None of us here would ever seriously stoop so low as do such a thing.
        • >.>


          • ... hey! It's like, a disclaimer thingie. Y'know?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

Hmmm interesting .... thanks for that
Slow Shaving said:
Friday, 07-09-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Vie Long 16727 23 mm. - GEM G Bar - Blade GEM #2 - Pre Proraso - TABAC - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL GRAVITY.

Gravity: Serious aftershave....

Geddit? No?


6/8 Air Brand straight
Body Shop Maca Root cream
Kent BK4
Alum block
Lloyds Chemist Witch Hazel
Simple for Men AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman AS Lotion


No shave today - meant to have one after coming back from checking out the cats at the Cat Protection League. My 19yr-old cat (that I got from the same place back in 1991) was put down at the end of April, and I promised my daughter I'd get another cat in the summer when I was on my two weeks off. Went today to see what they had in preparation for going back on the 19th, and ended up coming away with a new family member! Found a lovely, really friendly young cat that ticked all the boxes for me, and didn't want to risk going back in 10 days to find out that she was gone.

As a result, my intention of coming home and having a leisurely morning shave went out of the window!
Friday Evening

L'Oreal face wash in the shower
New Forest Superior 2201
Taylors Almond cream
Gillette Superspeed
Red Personna (4)
Nivea sensitive ASB

Final shave with this Personna, I'm going to try a totally different blade tomorrow. Nice to get back to the almond cream, so smooth and creamy, I'm very impressed - I've just ordered three Indian creams from Connaught too to add to the mix! I don't 'need' to use the sensitive Nivea ASB now, and in fact prefer the scented normal stuff, but need to use this up!

Good shave though for a warm summers evening
Friday Evening

ABC Tea Tree Soap
Slim & Super Thin (1)
Proraso & EJ BB
Proraso ASB
Proraso AS

hmm...... menthol. tonight tried a Thai Super Thin having used a Viet one for the past few shaves. must admit i preferred the Viet one a it was good straight out of the pack, will have to look at ordering some over the weekend. Next up will be a hardware change with the R89 getting its first outing tomorrow!
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