Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 24th July 2010

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Simpson Wee Scot
Omega Soap
1957 Gillette Red Tip Superspeed
Russian Gillette Platinum
Witch Hazel (as splash)
Aqua Velva Musk AS (used sparingly :lol: )

That wee brush is a-mazing. You wouldn't believe the lather oozing out of it for the diminutive stature of it.... which gives me an idea....
Pre - Hot shower
Soap - Mama Bears Spellbound Woods
Brush - Omega 10005
Razor - Merkur 38C
Blade - Personna Red IP
AS - Poraso
EDT - GFT Eucris

A bit rushed before work this afternoon. First trial of Mama Bears. I was a bit apprehensive after reading a few posts on lathering this but found it spot on. The Omega whipped up a creamy lather straight away which I then transferred to my Steve Woodhead bowl. The scent was quite sweet and almost musky but a very good 2 pass shave. I look forward to experimenting further with MBs!
Friday, 07-30-10.

Soap from Marseille 72% Palm - Vie-Long horse hair "despuntada" - Rocket HD 500 - Shark #1 - Pre Proraso - La Toja shaving stick in a puck - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Brummel + ASB 444.

Friday Evening

Hot flannel
New Forest Brush
Mama Bear's Lime Ice
Feather (3)
Proraso AS

Exactly the same set up as last night. Much better lather tonight from the Lime Ice as I used a wetter brush and loaded it longer - also bought out the menthol in the mix - throughout the whole shave my face felt tingly and cold Nicely complemented by the Proraso AS!
Friday Night:

I figured I have a couple of days before Monday morning work week starts, and a bit of stubble, so maybe it was time to try my Ever-Ready 1912 and see about this SE shaving thang.

Whilst fading in and out of consciousness due to blood loss, I mourned the likelihood that I would not die from the weepers in my usual trouble spots, even if there were more smears of the old crimson than I might have ever seen before on my shaven face at any one time before.

  • I also thought, however, that if I got a bit of skill at this, it should probably make for some close mammy-jammin' shaves. I didn't even need a stypticpencil, nor even a spritz of My Mighty Menthol AlumWater for first aid reasons.[/list:u]
      • - Le Tuft Urban Hermit Model No 1 'Resyke' in Boar
        - Colonel Conk's Lime glycerin
        - Ever-Ready 1912 patent with Gem Stainless SE blade
        - Peach Thayers' witch hazel
        - Kartopu Kolonya's Tunun AS/EdC[/list:u][/list:u]
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