Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 23rd October 2010

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Monday January 4, 2010

Razor: Allen & Son 6/8
Brush: WS Boar
Soap: Palmolive
Post: Alum & OS Whitewater

Test Shave
Another attempt to hone this razor, as it stands I'd say I'm 70% of the way towards the kind of edge I want! It certainly shave OK but I didn't take this attempt to the Chromium oxide which may be why I've some irritation!

A quick SAS was had not bad at all!
Saturday morning

Razor: FT rocket
Blade: Super Max Stainless (3)
Soap: Nanny's Patchouli
Brush: New Forrest 2211
AS: Aqua Velva
ASB: Nivea Sensitive

Ok, I've got to say, third shave with this blade/razor combo, and it's out of this world, these blades are just the sweet spot for me, no nicks, just a DFS.
I'm really liking the Pathouli, ordered it without knowing what it would smell like. (and since I loved the lavender), this one might actually trump Lavender now..
The rest is my classic stuff, nothing fancy in the AS/ASB department.


I f ever I was to have to choose a single hardware/software "setup" to use the rest of my life, this would probably be it.


White proraso pre/post
NF silvertip
Proraso soap
Merkur HD + red IP (1)
Thayers with Aloe
Proraso ASB

Havent used the HD in ages... I forgot how good it is.
3 passes, very smooth, no irritation.
Got my re honed rolls razor blades back today, so thats the next one in the rotation.. :D

Merkur 37c
Astra SP (3)
404 Bodger
Tabac Soap

Tabac AS
Nivea ASB

Very good shave indeed. I am putting this extended run of good form down to the prolonged use of one razor, in my particular case the Slant. I find that chopping and changing (ergo reconfiguring balance and technique et cetera) the key component is a major obstacle to consistant high qualty shaves.

I am always amazed that members sell razors after only a couple of shaves; familiarity breeds expertise - er, unless you have a real shocker...

Anyway to recap - a delightful shave.

Saturday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Dorko
Brush: Ikon 24 mm chubby
Cream: Arko
Post/AS: Proraso/Floid mix
Strop: Neil Miller
Result: Very clean :D

If you´ve got problems getting your creams/soaps to lather and don´t want to uber/superlather, use Arko, period.


New Forest 2211 silvertip
Buddel 6/8 French point

Tabac soap
Witch hazel
Musgo Real No. 2 oakmoss cologne

The usual slow deliberate shave with this razor; very satisfying, but unnerving too. The Musgo edc is smashing stuff, very autumnal.
Saturday 23rd October 2010

Merkur 33C & Wilkinson Sword > Omega 31064 & Acca Kappa 1869 > alum
> La Toja after shave > L'Oreal Men Expert Sensitive balm > Amouage Dia Eau de Parfum


- I had been shaving with vintage Gillettes (HD Rocket, '40s SS, No. 55) for quite some time now. The Wilkies are my standard blade for the moment. Today I decided to change one of the two parameters, the razor. The 33C felt to provide a less smooth shave, albeit a closer one. It is therefore still one very nice razor for me, though the aforementioned vintage Gillettes give me better shaves.

- The Acca Kappa shaving cream provides nice lather with a fresh and not overwhelming scent. Nothing exceptional as far as cushion or slickness are concerned, but a decent product overall.

- I may be heading off this side of the world soon. Though nothing is certain as yet, Asia may have to open her arms and accept me once again. More soon.
Saturday 23rd October

Arko stick
Gillette Super Thin
Aqua Velva

First time using Arko, it lathers so easily. Not mad keen on the scent, but don't hate it either like some appear to. Other than that, decent shave, bit of irritation on my neck that's built up over the week I think, so I'll give it a rest tomorrow.

Bleue Extra (3)
NF 2211
MWF / Kent SS
Ogallala BayRum, Limes and Peppercorn AS.

Nice hangover slow shave had early this afternoon.

Have a good weekend gents.
Saturday, 10-23-10. MUSIC: Joe Jackson_LP Look Sharp (1979). :mrgreen:

Mysore Sandal Soap - Simpson Persian Jar 2 Two Bands - Gillette Fat Boy - Treet Dura Sharp #2 - Edwin Jagger Sandalwood shaving soap - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Osage Rub sample + ASB Truefitt & Hill classic.

Saturday - 4 shaves in and the twin-blade's are still going strong..

Fake Gillette GII
Morrison's Mutifit twin blade cartridge
Palmolive stick
Nivea ASB

I've been trying face lathering for the last few days, as well as using my back-to-the-70's GII clone. All working very well and the 20p a cartridge Morrison's still giving a good close shave. Can they last a whole week? I'm going to find out. 1971 might just be the future...
Saturday, 10.23.10

Aura Glow as a Pre Shave Oil
Omega Sapone da Barba Shave Cream
New Forest #2211 Silvertip
Hayashi Diamond #74 13/16ths
SRD Premium I Strop ... 35 Linen/70 Leather
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm
Spanish Floïd Suave

Only Performers for today's shave... No stiffs or slackers allowed!
The H. Diamond is the undisputed heavyweight champ in the collection. Today it provided what I believe to be my closest shave ever... I can't imagine better... And it's smooth as glass!
I used to think I preferred brushes with bigger knots until the two brushes from New Forest arrived. Today, I used the Silvertip and it just continues to impress.. The lather gets applied to my face instead of staying locked in the brush. I just may be a convert to smaller brushes.
Omega cream.. It just always works for me and provides great lather.
Floïd Suave... What can I say? My current fav!

Saturday evening

Hot shower
NF 2211
MB Dublin Tweed
Slant 39C
Iridium (3)
Osma Alum
OS Lime AS

Much disappointment with the MB lather tonight - clearly user error as it's normally great, and the 2211 outperforms the 2201 on everything else and I've no reason to suspect it would be different here - very thin and watery tonight - maybe I started with too much water in the brush, I don't know. I've not used the Slant for a while, but I do agree with Blyth's advice previous about sticking to one razor to get used to it rather than constant changing. Like me :roll:

A few weepers tonight probably due to the lather, but the alum and OS sorted it ;)
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