Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 18th September 2010

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Wednesday August 12, 2009

Trumper Razor
New Forest 2201
Wiiliams Aqua Velva a/s

The AV is very nice. No burn, and even the menthol content is at a level that feels like it is cooling rather than burning. Mrs.M likes the scent.


An interesting shave today. I used a Pure Badger prototype I've kept which has a particularly dense knot with quite soft tips. It generated a superb lather with my 1960s Yardley. It's easy to overlook just how good a Pure Badger brush can be.

Saturday morning

Merkur progress
supermax sunrise (4)
nanny's exotic
new forest 2201
Ogallala peppercorn and lime bay rum

The sunrise 4th shave was as good as the first. The Ogallala is so good.Wow.
Hot towel
Unknown bristle/Godrej,,thanks Damian :)
Gillette Flare/Tesco own
L'occitaine cade ASB

Like the Godrej a lot, it's creamier than the Monsavon I got the other day and lathered extremely well. Nice scent as well.
Good shave.
regards, beejay
Thought id give the gillette arist junior a spin
super thin blade
mama bears bay rum soap
henks bay rum asb
:shave shave brill and smell lovely,off out to the local farmers market and a spot of dinner then on a promise.. :eek: Happy days..
Ultimate Comfort today:

Hot towel
Truefitt and Hill Ultimate Comfort pre-shave oil
Merkur Futur
Super Iridium blade
New Forest 2201 brush
Truefitt and Hill Ultimate Comfort cream
Truefitt and Hill Ultimate Comfort ASB
Trumpers GFT cologne (sample)

Whether the T&H cream etc give a better shave than the Palmolive stick I've used for the last couple of days is debatable, but the experience of using a top quality cream makes it feel as if it's better. It's the Lamborghini instead of the Land Rover. The destination may be the same, but the journey is more enjoyable.

I quite like the GFT cologne, although as I have a decent stash of cologne at the moment I probably won't buy any - I'm going on a self-imposed saving spree as I would rather like a Feather all-stainless razor for Christmas. Although I've just had a delivery of blades from Connaught, but I convinced myself that these represent a bargain - 110 blades (Derby, Super Iridium and Feather) - probably a year's worth of blades for £20, the cost of 8 Fusion cartridges.



Futur + WS
WS Boar
Boots shavebowl
Xeryus AS

A quick couple of passes! DFS, but I hesitate to say that I enjoyed the Bic sensitive shave more yesterday. This WS blade is lasting rather well but I shall switch back to the EJ after this as I've neglected it a while.
Damian Murphy said:
Ogallala peppercorn and lime bay rum...The Ogallala is so good.Wow.

It really is isn't it! It feels a touch greasy at first and i was dubious, but that soon soaks in and wow the face feels good for the rest of the day! the scent is a nice one which subtly lingers too! I may have to buy a few more of these now in the different scents. (Damn it! More spending :lol: )


Gillette Platinum (2)
Neo Finest 2-Band
Mama Bear's Roses soap
Forest Fresh AS

Bodger 404
Erasmic Soap
ikon Bulldog Classic
Gillette Bleue (2)
Nivia ASB
Brute AS

Not often I get a complete new squad to try, Ikon, faultless, Bodger Hmmm early days, Erasmic I like very much a wholesome 20th century smell . All in all a good shave really impressed with the ikon. I had an original Ikon which was fantastic if somewhat aggressive but the "new" series are impressive.good way to start the day
Pre; Hot shower
Razor: Heljestrand 9 1/2 in Miller purpleheart wooden scales
Brush: New Forest
Soap: Cella
AS: La Coste Challenge
Strop: Neil Miller
Result, Very, very clean :D
Merkur HD
Lord Platinum x 2
Semogue 2000
PalmSword soap - (grated palmolive stick in bowl with melted WS soap poured over it)
Enliven fresh a\s

Fri morn shave, late post :roll:

forgot how good this soap combo is
got a good impression of the Enliven a\s after using it without alum, works very well but the scent isn't a lady killer
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