Shave of the Day - Saturday 9th April to Friday 15th April

Swedish Swing razor loaded with a vintage Schick 2002 DE Twin blade (great shave!)

11th April 2016

Bulldog Face Wash
Old Spice Shaving Soap (Vintage)
Semogue Owner's Club Boar in Cherry
Face Lathered
GEM Micromatic (First Version) & GEM Stainless (7)
Single Pass - WTG (Slide)


Hot Rinse & Cold Rinse
Old Spice Original Aftershave
Jacques Bogart One Man Show (Gold Edition) EDT
Pashana American Bay Rum Hair Tonic​

Beginning a week of Micromatics ...
Tonights shave.

Tonights setup

Razor: ER 1914
Blade: ER Radio blade
Brush: Jayaruh #57
Soap: Haslinger Sandalwood
AS: AV Classic Blue Ice

Tonight I used the 1914 with the Radio blade I stropped up on my GEM Automatic Stropper. The first 2 passes were pretty smooth. My third pass I could detect that it was not quite as sharp. It was not buggy at all, but I could feel it degrading. This was the cruddiest blade I have. I will give it some more love on the strops. Hopefully it will get better. I know I will need to learn the proper way to use the strop. That is part of the fun.

Anyhow got a DFS shave with it and no irritation. So I am a happy camper.

Have a great evening.


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Nice. I am waiting for DOCs to become available via the PAA website.

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I can only presume that they are out of stock, as that is where I purchased mine.
It is funny little razor, it looks quite vicious but it really is very tame. The stock handle that it comes with is a bit naff and I usually match it up with an ATT Atlas handle, but yesterday I was a bit rushed so I just picked it up and shaved with it.
I hope you enjoy yours when it arrives.
Tue 12th April
RazoRock Disrupter Plissoft 22mm
OSP Neroli -sample
Gem [ 2 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse Off
Massimo Dutti A/S

When One has not used a Razor for a while , it is easy to forget how good it is. Todays shave was nice and easy, as the razor with its guard performed very smoothly in all areas and produced a nice close finish too.
Getting to like this inexpensive synthetic brush a lot ,as it works well with soaps and creams, and is soft yet firm on the face.

First use of the modified GEM blade and I'm as impressed as I was with the Feather single edge. This should work for far more shaves, similar to how the GEM blades perform in my 1912. I didn't experience and blade slippage which has led user to further modify or clip the GEM blades to fit exactly as the proprietary blades do.
In general I'm very enamoured with everything about the OneBlade and this is coming from someone who respectfully scoffed at the razor during its initial early sales pitches.

Lebelle Soaps Honey Crisp
Gem Blade (1)
BSSW Cocobolo Manchurian 26mm
Nivea Balm

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