Shave of the Day - Saturday 9th April to Friday 15th April

Prep: Nannies Pre-shave Soap (Old Grey Bristle Test)
Razor: Gillette Red Tip (US)
Blade: Treet Durasharp (carbon steel) (1)
Brush: Omega Barberpole 24mm Synthetic
Soap: Wilkinson Sword Shave Stick (grated)
Post: L'Oréal Men Expert balm

Didn't shave yesterday and overslept today, so limited time to deal with a lot of stubble. One pass with the Red Tip with a little touching-up was extremely effective and left me more than presentable. My first shave with the Wilkinson Stick and I was impressed.
A very enjoyable SOTN tonight; preshave with PAA Scentsless soap/lather booster, lathered up a new sample of Van Yulay's Café Vetyver soap in my Crown King scuttle with my RazoRock Chubby Extra Silvertip Badger brush. MAN! This soap is freakin' amazing! The performance is outstanding but the scent is what really blew me away. Those who truly know me are aware I am a major coffee fanatic and according to Van Yulay's site, the scent profile on this soap is "Roasted Coffee with Vetyver and Nutmeg fragrance." I'm also a huge fan of anything vetiver but I would have never thought of pairing it with coffee. All I know is, IT WORKS! It smelled like I was putting some sort of fancy French pastry icing all over my face and I had to really struggle not to taste it to see if it tasted as good as it smelled. I did a three-pass shave with my 1962 H-4 Gillette Adjustable Slim TTO birth-year razor and finished up my shave with a splash of Nivea Sensitive Cooling Balm. A most excellent shave! If you love the scent of a sweet coffee, you should try this soap. I had to try a sample of it in a recent order along with a few others and I know I will be ordering a full tub of it later.
Palmolive shave stick face lather
Merkur 38C with fresh Gillette seven o'clock yellow
Alum, E45 & cj Eternity to finish

DFS three pass, no time for touch up, effort.

Decided to get the bus to work this morning. Cramp in my calf during Saturday and a bit of tightness remaining reigning in plans to cycle.

Still eagerly waiting for these Voskhods, saddo that I am.

As Geofatboy would say, have a great shave, have a great day guys.

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Congrats on R2 baseplate, Frankie.
Funny that you didn't think it anymuch different from the R1. I find the R2 slightly more aggressive and took me a while to get used to shaving with it. I can feel the comb's "sharp" teeth because they are cut so square (if you know what I mean) which makes the shave feel more aggressive then it actually is. It does provide excellent results though.
Mon 11th april

Omega 10026
OSP Bay Rum
Ever Ready Natural Angle
Gem S/S [ 1 ]
Alum rub/Rinse Off
Aqua Velva A/S

One of the Razors in which a Gem blade performs well from the start. A very pleasant Monday morning shave , very comfortable and smooth with a close overall finish. Rotating razors frequently seems to add a bit of spice to the Daily Shave.