Shave of the day Saturday 22nd - Friday 28th July 2017

Pre: Cold Water
Brush: EJ Medium BB
Soap: Blue's
Razors: ER 1912/Rolls Razor
Blades: Pal Super Carbon/ Hollow Ground
Afters: Homemade Skinfood Balm Thingy

Today I put my two favourite razors head to head and what a pleasure it was.
The 1912 was loaded with a Pal Super Carbon (Thanks to @Blademonkey ), and it was Super.
Both razors glided over my face mowing down everything in their paths smoothly and efficiently. Second pass, xtg, exactly the same.
The advantage with the Rolls is it doesn't need rinsing as often as the 1912 but all said and done, I couldn't split the two razors. I reached for the alum bar for a decider and it was no help whatsoever, no sting either side.
Verdict: A draw.
Maybe if the 1912 had my normal Gem SS blade, the Rolls may have shaded it, but I'll leave that to another day.
Thanks Wayne, does it come in a tin like Blackland razors?
Afternoon Paul, apologies for the late reply as I have been out. In answer to your question I don't really know. The pass around came to me bubble wrapped without any outers. I sincerely hope they supply something decent considering the price of these. Sorry I can't be of much help mate.
Congratulations on a great write up. Really enjoyed it. Having recently been introduced to the 1912 by @Blademonkey I am truly smitten. Awesome piece of kit that will remain forever in my den.
It's ok, when you said it does what it says on the tin I thought it came with this tin you were talking about
+1 on the Cashmere...great stuff.

Shavemac Americana D01 Silvertip
ATT Calypso M1
Supermax Super Platinum
d'Ardenne, Short & Bell Kyoto
Thayers Rose, Nivea 2 Phase & 4711 Nouveau Cologne

A bit arty farty today's picture, tried a double exposure in my editing app. A cracking shave again, these DSB soaps certainly hit the mark. Effortless lather with the Shavemac, as always. First use of a Supermax Super Platinum and it was a great blade, very under-rated these blades. Finished off with a great fruity number.
Congratulations on a great write up. Really enjoyed it. Having recently been introduced to the 1912 by @Blademonkey I am truly smitten. Awesome piece of kit that will remain forever in my den.
Cheers Wayne, it's very hard not to write glowingly about either of those razors.
Everyone should give a 1912 a go imo. They're readily available and pretty cheap

Soap - Tabac Original
Brush - RazoRock Disrupter 22mm
Face lather
Razor - Gem Micromatic Clog-Pruf
Blade - Gem Personna SE
Post - Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
A/s - Tabac Original

Belter of a shave this morning. The Gem is a smashing razor and left me close and smooth. Tabac? well, you know my thoughts on my favourite mass-produced soap.
Greetings All,

Wednesday shave.

One days' growth and warm shave

Preparation – face washed with Clique Liquid facial soap (mild)

Pre: Prorosa Red pre-share
Soap: ES Sandalwood cream
Razor: Roackwell 6C (3P)
Blade: Shark (3rd)
Brush:RazoRock 400 Noir

Post Shave: Cold water rinse followed by a shower then Proraso aftershave lotion (red) and Nivea 2 Phase.

Oh, my what another great shave….

The wonders of the Rockwell 6C keeps on delivering – another good shave, tried to short cut my second pass (swapping the XTG to ATG) and it failed – but still a comfortable shave.

Can I suggest a facial mask or scrub, if you don't use one already?

I use one and it generally helps.

