Shave den show-off (AKA: Bring out your stash!)

Thanks Paul. Don't get me wrong I could spend a lot more and accumulate a lot more as the temptation is emmense but tried to keep it in check as many do on here.
If a product is just Ok for me or middle of the road then I probably sell on. I only keep what I rate highly.

So far 11 razors, 10 brushes and 10 creams and soaps
Has to be said though I am in awe of Carl's Den. Speechless.

Greetings Dick,
They look like the Silver Blues which were on sale at £30 for a 1000 last year I bought some at the time, a bargain not to be missed at the time :icon_wink:
My aftershave bottles are a bit OCD but I like it. The writing can be rubbed off with a good scrub with water and changed when new aftershaves are bought.

Bottles & stoppers were £20 for 6 which is quite expensive but the quality is great. Very heavy base.

The stickers I just got from Ebay and cut to size

The pen I used is a liquid chalk pen. The same type of thing they use on restaurant billboards but with a fine tip. Something like this.

Very nice and tidy job! Great handwriting too.

Norfolkdick said:
Greetings Frankie

May I be so bold as to take it as read that you are (a) Not a fan of boar brushes and (b) Whatever those blades are, you are extremely fond of them as you have one thousand!!


Yes, I am a bit of a badger man, especially 2-band that for me has just the right combination of backbone and soft tips.

The bulk of blades are Gillette Silver Blues that went for a song about a year ago. The rest of my blades are Sputnik, 7 O'Clock Black, Lab Blues, Perma-Sharp Super, Super Iridium and Polsilver SI.