Sensitive skin

Before I started DE shaving I believed that I had sensitive skin. Canned goo and multi blade razors made me think my skin was sensitive, however, it has become apparent that my skin isn't at all sensitive I was just doing it wrong.

Do many people really have sensitive skin?
As Henk says, it's probably more a case of different things irritate different skins. If a whole load of stuff irritates your skin & you are regularly exposed to it naturally you sum it up as "sensitive skin". Yet, if it were only shaving or shaving products which inflamed the skin if you had been brought up as a strict moslem or jew you might never have found out that your skin didn't like being regularly abraded as you happily trimmed your beard. I've done my time over the years at Skin Clinics & Dermatological Depts with skin probs (waiting for an appointment just now at Vale Hospital) but it's not so much that my skin is sensitive as that there are just an awful lot of things in modern life which are triggers for me.
The truly awkward thing to live with must be a sensitive soul , difficult in today's world to avoid all which would vex that.

JohnnyO. :roll:
hunnymonster said:
Yeah, that. Like I can't believe there are nearly 10% of the population that are disabled.

Like the statistics for e.g. 'accidents around the house', that can only be correct if they include every time you cut yourself while peeling potatoes or draw blood when picking up a too sharp screw. Or in my case, chopping wood for the smoker with a small axe and accidentally hitting your knee with the very corner of the axe blade (ruined a pair of perfectly good jeans and led to a profusely bleeding cut just above the patella...
I have sort-of sensitive skin. The quadruple-bladed cartridge razor was more or less OK, but it's always a closer shave and less irritation to use a straight razor. I do find that growing a beard is a bad idea, as this is irritating as is shaving it off.

Also, now I can shave ATG, which is just not an option with the multi-bladed doom razor.
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