Scots gentleman newbie signing in

Thursday January 7, 2010
Hi there, David from Glasgow here! Great to see a British shaving forum. I am already part of two other US-based groups, but it is a wee bit frustrating not having access to some of the grooming products and shaving reuisites they have. My fave brands are typically English-geo F Trumper, Penhligons etc. Took up straight razor shaving recently, which I enjoy greatly. Hobbies: Glasgow Rangers football club for my sins! I also like 1970's tv like "Survivors" and also science fiction and fantasy. Anyway, fellow gents, I look forward to sharing grooming tips etc. and also info on on where to track down "hard-to-get" scents like a 70s favourite Accua di selva :D
Welcome to the forum David!
Im just starting to learn how to shave with a straight myself, but have been using a DE for a couple of months now.
:cool: :cool:
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