Schick Krona Review


Over the years I've sampled many DE razors, but I always resisted giving this little plastic handle thing a try........until recently. What finally pushed me off the fence was a thread going on in another forum. Yeah, it was the usual complimentary remarks about how well it shaved. I'd seen these sorta posts from time to time, but finally caved in. Sheesh! I don't know if any of you are aware of the horrible enablers who frequent some of those joints.

For reference, my go to combo is a fatboy set on #4 and loaded with an Iridium. I'll also use a Feather in that razor fairly often. So I like using a mild razor with a sharp blade. I don't care use a razor that feels like six or higher on the Gillette adjustable scale because the comfort level suffers.

As many of you can do by now, it's pretty easy to tell in a hurry if a new to you razor is gonna be a good fit. Yep, it only takes a few strokes in most cases, although sometimes a change of blades can help improve things a bit.

Loaded up the Krona with a twice used Iridium and did my first WTG stroke down my neck. Man, it felt pretty darn good. After 2-3 more strokes I was hooked. That's something that rarely happens....liking a razor so much I mean.

This is definitely a mild razor when compared to most other Gillette non open comb fixed head types. Razors like super speeds and the various Aristocrat types have a little more bite to em, and that would even include the Tech.

It took me a few shaves to tweak the technique for the Krona head. I'm used to the fatboy profile, but I'm always adjusting things anyway with the 6-7 change of pace razors in my rotation. It just took me a few times to figure everything out. Heh, plus I also found out how far to push the envelope with a Krona/Feather combo.

Used the Iridium for three shaves and then the Feather for three more. The sharper blade was more effective, and very easy to use. The Krona makes it more forgiving, which is always nice.

Because there's not much weight to the thing, some pressure was needed in certain spots on my face. That's actually fairly common anyway, but I did notice having to go over a few areas more often than usual. Not a big thing, but it's there.

All in all I was impressed with the Krona. Yes it's on the milder side, so people looking for something aggressive won't find that here. It's one of the most comfortable razors I've used, and the performance (with a Feather blade) is quite nice. I'm glad to finally see what's up with that model. I'd imagine this would also be good for someone just starting out DE shaving. Might even be a decent choice for the ladies legs.


Oh, I should also mention these razors are very inexpensive.


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Re: Schick Krona

Just got one of these razors off lovely Sunbury Boy. I have only used it a couple of times but would agree with the above review. The points he makes seem to fit in with my experience of a lighter weight razor that is on the less aggressive side but somehow gives a most excellent shave. It feels good to hold with a good grip, and manages to give an irritation-free shave even after having to touch up a few hairier areas :? . I just used one of those generic Israeli blades (think Shaving Shack sell them in that anonymous packaging) so I'm looking forward to seeing if other blades make a noticeable difference. Oh, and I like the TTO mechanism. Much less hassle than the other sort.

Great review, well worth seeking out one of these razors. It may even replace my trusty Edwin Jagger EJ89L! :eek:
Re: Schick Krona

JohnnyO said:
Thanks for the review Martin. & if you're even considering it as up there with the EJ 89 I'm impressed P/Cat.

JohnnyO. :geek:

Hi Johnny,

Well, to show you how different everyone is, the newer EJ/Muhle head doesn't quite fit me right. I've used a few different models including a lined Chatsworth, and neither did the trick. I tried that type with two different blades, with three shaves on each. I was never able to get the shave I was looking for.

Heh, I'd read so many good things about that new design and the performance was sorta disappointing. Luckily, one was loaned to me and the Chatsworth was a gift to a buddy who preferred his fatboy over that razor. I used it once before selling the thing, and the cash went for a replate job on his fatboy. Oh yeah, I found the handle a little too heavy on that model.

The Krona just happens to work easily, effectively, and comfortably. Since it's a bit mild it'll be somewhat more forgiving than many other razors. I don't use a Feather blade in many razors because they're just too sharp, but sometimes those blades can really shine with the right pairing. That not having to pay so much attention to detail part is a nice feature, and the shave itself is still a close one.

Re: Schick Krona

JohnnyO said:
Thanks for the review Martin. & if you're even considering it as up there with the EJ 89 I'm impressed P/Cat.

JohnnyO. :geek:

Yes I'm giving it a couple of weeks before I go back to the EJ89 so I'll report back. In the meantime I'm enjoying each shave I have with the Krona. It is more lightweight than the Jagger and certainly less aggressive but I like the fact that it feels a lot harder to cut myself with it. I know some chaps like a challenge and prefer a more aggressive razor but I prefer an easy life. Also the handle is easier to grip than the EJ89 which has a tendency to get a bit slippery.
Re: Schick Krona


I have an extra Krona in nice shape that I'd be willing to send out as a PIF. Whoever's posted up till now would be fine with me as the recipient, so you guys figure out who would be first on the list.

Re: Schick Krona

That's a kind offer Martin, although I'm out as both not being anywhere near first & also have recently found that by thinning out some of the kit I have I somehow seem to have replaced razors rather than removed them !

I guess it's just a shaving thing !

JohnnyO. :(
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