Schick injector L type Review


I'll review an easy to find later model Schick injector known as the 'L' type. This is one of my favorites for both performance and overall handling. In the past I've used almost all the different Schick injectors, and prefer the later models over the earlier short handle versions. The reason for this is because the injectors made in the 1960s and later have a different head design (milder) than the earlier models.

These injectors are most often found with a black handle, although other colors were made as well. They're usually stamped with an M on one side under the head, and a number on the other. I don't recall ever seeing an actual letter L on any of the M types I've used. Heh, strange but true.

Shaving with a SE blade is gonna be somewhat different from a DE blade. The SE is stiffer, and the lack of flex feels unusual. Not bad at all, just unlike how a DE shave feels. To me, an injector feels more like a squeegee that sorta mows through the whiskers in an effective and comfortable way. The sound it makes is sorta like a quiet rustling noise, which means little blade feedback. Once again, not a bad thing but different from the sounds a DE razor will make.

Most all injectors weigh about nothing, so learning to apply the right amount of pressure is part of the technique for these things. It may take 2-3 shaves to figure that out properly, but no big deal for an experienced shaver. The weight of the razor is just not enough to allow the blade to slide around without the occasional bit of help by bearing down sometimes. Otherwise the blade can chatter, which is never a good thing.

I like injectors for their narrow profile, which can help with any sort of facial trimming. I'll use mine for my face and mustache, and it's especially good for trimming the stash without errors. Nice to be able to see exactly where I'm doing the cutting.

Blades are the weak point for injectors. There's maybe 5-6 currently made blades, with the Chinese Schicks getting the best overall reviews. I prefer these over the German made Schick version. There's also the ones sold by Ted Pella (online sales only), and some others sold in the drugstores in the US. Some of those might be fine for many people, and all have their fans.

Vintage injector blades are really the way to go for the best possible experience, at least to my way of thinking. Some of the older Schick and Personna blades can be excellent, but they're tough to find for a decent price. Years ago I settled on some vintage injector blades from the 1970s and bought quite a few. Good as they were, I've since tried some that were even better. With the right injector/blade combo, a really nice shave can be had. As I mentioned earlier though, lots of members like some form of the currently made ones, so that's still worth a try.



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Re: Schick injector L type

I have watched youtube vids on these..the 1940's models were the most agressive..then eased on in the 1950's
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->
this guy does a great job on various razors as well

Re: Schick injector L type

Blades said:
The 1940's models were the most agressive..then eased on in the 1950's

Boy, that is sure right,

I had the unfortunate experience of using the worst possible injector when first starting out with those things. Yeah, it was one of those purty short handle amber bakelite E types, and it about kilt me before I finally put the damn thing away. Waaaay too much bite, although I didn't know the razor was the problem at that time. Wasn't till I tried a later model that the shaves became comfortable. Huge difference between the two head designs.

To me, an E or G type feels like about a solid 7-8 on the Gillette scale. That ain't so good when my magic # is 4.......heh. The later models like the J and L types feel like maybe 4 or a little higher, which is why I like those.

I've read countless posts from members who love the earlier injectors, and I'd recommend trying those if an aggressive shave is what's wanted. Once again though, all these injectors weigh very little, and there is a learning curve involved. Starting off with a razor that can bite easier than others might not be the way to go, but that's not my call.

Re: Schick injector L type

I had a Type-L for a while, but compared with my Type-M adjustable and my Type-J, it didn't really get the job done.

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