Scents with balls!

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Having travelled through Duty Free a number of times recently, it occurred to me that I love stink bomb scents! Massive, in your face clouds of outdated fug! I like the world to know I've arrived a few minutes before I do.

Kouros, Quorum, VC&A Pour Homme, Pino Silvestre, Sung Homme, Polo, Rapport, Tabac, Eucris ...

What others do I need in my life?

Aramis - it's on the list (just because)
Agua Brava - it's on the list
Halston Z14 - it's on the list

Stink bombs, gents! Name 'em ...
I can't sniff Florida Water too hard without recoiling from its musky power, shame it does seem to last on me that long, although my hands still smell of it 12 hours later despite washing them?
Unfortunately, IFRA has neutered the cologne/perfume industry with their insane restrictions that felled the magical ingredient that gave so many fragrances their 'mojo': oakmoss. Fortunately, I have amassed a decent collection of the classic 'Powerhouse' male fragrances before the massive wave of reformulation that emasculated them.

I recommend the Basenotes Powerhouse Forum that has an extensive archives that covers these manly fragrances from a bygone era when men were men and everyone within a 100 ft. radius knew what cologne/aftershave you had on. :eek: :p ;)
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