Saturday 17th - Friday 23rd December 2022

Decemboar 20th 2022

Pre - Palmolive Sea Minerals
Brush - Zenith Euro X
Soap - MWF/Kent
Razor - Yaqi DOC
Blade - Treet Classic (1)
Post - Witch Hazel
AS - Denim Original

First DE shave for a few days as I picked up a horrible ingrown on my cheek that I think became infected (I'll spare the details) after using a Treet Durasharp, so like the idiot I am I used a Treet Classic and picked up another ingrown on the other cheek. I'm not entirely sure why but the only blades I seem to consistently pick up in growns with are Treets.
I produced a delightful lather with The Fat and my Zenith Euro X. It's a shame this brush isn't really sold anymore, YourShaving sell one which is close, but the Euro X has an unbleached knot which is fan shaped, whilst the one YS sell is bulb shaped. The Euro X even after well over 100 shaves is still scrubby, reasonably efficient, and never eats lather.

Have a good day gents.

Monday & Tuesday

British Superspeed flare tip (circa 1950s), a tad less aggressive than the red tip, but more aggressive than the US variant. Loaded with a Perma sharp blade.

Monday was Fine barber blue, but today I've gone spicy.

Both excellent shaves which have made up for having to go shopping yesterday, followed by Mrs D buggering off shopping again with her mum and leaving me home with the foster children. Funnily enough, they are happy playing with the TV on in the background whilst I post about my shaves!


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I was thinking of a New Years Day shave with a Damaskeene razor and an original Damaskeene blade. I was very lucky to find a pack of all good blades and have used the first one many times, which keeps coming back to sharp with a good stropping. Safety razor AND blade at more than a hundred years old. Now, that's a thing!

... of course the straight-edge folks are reading this and thinking "meh!".
I've not had success with the Cru Steel blades but may need to try the Damaskeene. Don't think I have yet as every time I try very vintage blades it's a disappointment. Blades are subjective to hair/beard type so I'm not knocking them at all.

Prep: ESC pre shave oil mixed with Proraso sensitive pre shave cream
Brush: ESC Medium Jock synthetic
Razor: Yaqi Excalibur
Blade: Shick Proline (1)
Cream: E&S Rasage Barber
PS 1: Southern Witchcrafts Incorporeal

My E&S Rasage samples arrived today;. Very nice soap in all regards but I'm not sure it's a scent I'd buy again. Very pleasant anyway, I'll happily use the sample occasionally until it's gone.

The Yaqi Excalibur is new as well, and I found it a bit harsh. Will give it another try with the Shick at a later date, or perhaps with a different blade. Not a terrible shave, a nice finish, but not as comfortable as yesterday's.