Saturday 09th January to Friday 15th January 2021

And for today's shaving antics this shave came to you with the theme 'Mewcastle Brown Ale'

Without Newcastle Brown we wouldn't have the greatest super hero to ever stagger across the planet. There can only be one.....

Newky brown - Aluminum General
Broon - Feather Super Professional
Dog - Yaqi Mew Brown (not an ale)
Tar in a jar - Boellis Panama
Tart in a bottle - M&S moisturiser

Never a great fan of Newcastle Brown Ale and can't say it floats my boat. Which doesn't help in my case. But a big fan of The Brown Bottle.

Another outing for the General aluminium (sounds like a manufacturer of tin foil) and a very good one at that. Other than completing the collection the aluminium was always going to be risk for me as previous experiences with alu heads was never rather favourable. However as the blade has 'bedded in' it is starting to be more acceptable compared to its first outings, but then again that is the case with most AC blades. They take a few shaves to lose the initial edge which can be a tad ferocious and need care.

As it is though a great performance and not quite up there with its heavy metal brothers but doing a damn fine job.

Also another day out at the sink for the Mew Brown and a very admirable effort of face lathering with the Boellis. One smashing soap in terms of the shaving qualities but still at two minds with regards to the scent. Christmas has well gone by now but the Christmas cake appears to still exist even if it lurks around disguised as a shaving soap. In passing my wife loves the scent and leaves the top off in the shower room as a replacement for using Oust Odour Eliminator. Mmmmmm?

Whines and whinges aside one smashing super shave. A good rub of moisturiser, a swig of toilet cleaner and the results speak for themselves
Have a smashing super weekend fellow shavateers and here's wishing everyone and your families the best of health.

And I know you want it and so here is the best reason for shaving. Japanese girly bands!