S.O.T.D. w/c Saturday 7th - Friday 13th December 2013, incl.

It's good to be back Martin!!! I've managed to escape from Sweden,I went there on Holliday for a week,but had the misfortune of bumping into Benny Andersson!!!!! Made the classic mistake of agreeing to a "sauna party" dam those Swedish blond girls!!! suicide is the last thing on there minds if you get my meaning.

I did drop by mickeys house, but heard a scraping noise from his window.......like steel being rubbed violently on a honing stone and the words "Dessa för dig marty pojke Han Han Han..... Scape fönster med det, ditt svin" he sounded angry, so I left it.

I'm still having therapy to forget those crimes of yours.....arko ski masks.........melting eyes,........shudder....... MEDIC :s
Prep: Cold water splash
Soap: Valobra Stick (grated)
Brush: Shavemac 177 Silvertip
Razor: Weber Polished / Bulldog
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Black/Indian
Post: Weleda ASB

Close and comfortable shave. No complaints whatsoever
Prep: Shower
Soap: PannaCrema Namaste
Brush: Simpsons Duke 2 Pure
Razor: Weber SS w Bulldog Handle
Blade: Gillette Rubie
Post: Proraso Blue Balm
AS: Bogazici Lemon
Prep: tea tree soap
Razorigress SS #3,2,1 (XTG)
Brush:sports shaving restored Rubberset
Bowl: Woodhead #2
Lotion:speik ASL
Plus a bit of the Bay Rum for a quid sample - big clove hit!

Nice BBS shave and only one tiny nick on chin. I wasn't sure about the Digress as its a beast of a razor but today love blossomed

Then chicken pizza and a large glass of James Beam to finish.
Hot shower & 3P
Omega 98
ikon 101 shave craft with 1 shim
Lab Blue (1)
Aqua Velva

Got the MWF spot on today nice pleasant shave but even with a shim this 101 head is too mild for me. I think it will join the pile for a new year BST clear out.
Prep: Shower, Hot towel
Pre: Proraso Pre shave cream
Soap: T&H 1805
Brush: NF 2213
Razor: BBR Shavette/Muhle R41
Blade: Lord SE/ Gillette 7 O'Clock yellow
Post: Warm rinse/Alum/Cold splash
AS: T&H 1805 AS Balm
EDt: T&H 1805

I've gave up on my straight for now as I just can't get it going, so used the shavette to get used to using my left hand without having to worry about anything else. No problems with that, once i can get a full shave with the shavette i will go back to my straight. Rest of the shave as usual with my R41 = DFS.

Prep: Village Barber Oil
Cream: Dr Harris Windsor
Brush: Kent BK8
Razor: DLC / UFO Red Bronze Goliath XL
Post: Windsor A/S

What a damn good shave, bowl lathered, BBS and smelling great.
No departure from what has become my standard shave:

Ever Ready 1912, Gem blade, NF brush, T&H No. 10 cream.
Single pass plus touchups.
Some aftershave branded after a famous footie baller. Quite nice actually.
[attachment=9037]I've submitted a picture, but the shave stick is Boots.

You'll need to double click, then open, to enlarge the picture.


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Prep: Hot Water
Soap: Jabonman Vetiver Mandarina Litsea Cubeba
Brush: Somerset Simpson T1 in Super
Razor: Muhle Jet DLC LE
Blade: Feather (2)
Post: Cold Water and Alum Block
AS: Dior Fahrenheit
EDT : Dior Fahrenheit


Monday 9th December 2013
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM 1912 Damaskeene
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Semogue 830 Boar
Cream: Body Shop Maca Root
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
