S.O.T.D. Saturday 9th July to Friday 15th July 2016

Wilde&Harte Eltham handle with an Extrem Seygus head (not in product yet).
Astra SP
Semogue 830
Lea Classic tallow soap
Floid MV
Bulldog original
We should start loving Mondays. Well... I'm in my 57 yo, not the same mind as when the living was...Nonetheless, I do love Mondays[emoji443] [emoji443] [emoji442] [emoji445] [emoji445]

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Three Pass Shaving Routine..

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Cobra Classic
Feather Pro Blade New
Hans Baier Silver Tip
Haslinger Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I had My First Shave with the Cobra Classic Today that Martin Kindly Sent on this TSR Pass Around..I loaded the Cobra with One of My Own Feather Pro Blades..The Magazine that came with it has Only Two Blades Left..

I had a BBS SR Shave Yesterday..I Went for the Money Button BBS Dolphin Smooth Shave..I have heard it said that there is No such thing as the perfect shave..Well..Maybe Aye..Maybe Hook Eye..Cause I am sitting here with an All Over Dolphin Smooth BBS Result..I don't mean form North to South & form East to West neither..I mean in every Darn Direction..

The Cobra is Heavier than I Expected but Very Well Balanced..The Handle has a Smooth Polished Chrome Finish & I had no problems with it slipping in my hand..A Beautiful Razor Indeed..I Like it a Lot..

Now for the Shave..I am an Experienced Injector Man as Folks around her will Know..The Cobra is a Longer Blade Injector Design Head..I think it Adds to the Shaving Experience..Its a Bonus for Sure..Its Not needed but it Sure is a Bit of Luxuary.

A Blood Letting Monster its Not by any Means..Its a Very Mild Shaver..I would Suggest its Milder than a Later Model Schick Injector..Bearing in Mind I have Shaved with these Later Schick Injectors with a Cut Down Feather Pro Blade & I am Making a Direct Comparison with the Same Blade..Its a Very Forgiving Shaver..Very Smooth..That said..Folks that Cant Handle a Crazy Sharp Pro Blade like this would be in Trouble..A Feather Like Touch is the Order of the Day..

This is a Mild Shaver..Folks that are Saying its Aggressive or Rough are Just Not Used to these Pro Blades..They are Not for Everyone for Sure..To Me its a User Friendly Pussy Cat..A Very Efficient One at that..

I Like it a Lot..


You are the first person who claims the Cobra is a mild shaver. Try the Feather Pro Super for an ORCA SMOOTH shave Billy.
You are the first person who claims the Cobra is a mild shaver. Try the Feather Pro Super for an ORCA SMOOTH shave Billy.
At least the second person. I didn't consider the Cobra Classic aggressive. Not once did I think it might bite me. With NO PRESSURE it was smooth and very tame. Mind you, the blades are very sharp and if you do silly things, bad things will happen. But that goes for any decent razor...
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

vintage butterscotch Marshall Fields rebranded Simpsons best
Schick M type adjustable/Schick Plus Platinum NOS
Klar Kabinett SS
Myrsol Emulsion
Old Spice cologne dating from the mid 70s

Got the rose soap out today which was a smart idea. Been enjoying the M type recently, but am about ready to head on back to the F instead, with a blade brand change too.

Found this mostly full bottle of cologne by accident recently when looking for something else. Can't even remember when it was bought but I huffed some after a good shake and it's pretty tasty. Starts out a little sketchy with some alcohol notes but after a few minutes it calms right down into a real purty frag. Lots of pop left in this vintage juice.

BBS results,

Monday AM 2016-07-11

Georgetown Pottery G12 scuttle
Rooney 3/1 Ebony Finest (22mm/48mm)
Old Spice shaving soap (tallow) + Old Spice Original shaving cream
Hybrid Delta Echo-Stock Feather AS-D2/Triad Titanium Blue Aristocrat
Perma-Sharp Super (2)
Armani Acqua di Giò aftershave

And for the next 10 days, while I am on a vacation driving trip of the Central California coast -
Abercrombie & Fitch Woods brushless shaving cream
Gillette Mach 3 razor
Creed Original Santal aftershave (homemade)
Outstanding photo @Gordy
Can you tell me, was it "real" or photoshop'd in some way?

No, no photoshopping. Apart from the fact that I don't have the first clue about it, I can't see me wasting time doing so. I just take plenty of pictures and choose the one I like the most. The only thing I do is put a frame on them via the iPad. Thanks for your comment, much appreciated though.