S.O.T.D. Saturday 9th July to Friday 15th July 2016


Kept it simple today...

Tabac soap, Muhle 33K257 brush, Gillette LC New, Elios Inoxidable and a dab of 4711 to finish.

Two Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Schick Type G 3
Feather Pro Blade (New)
Leon Hardy Pure Badger
Haslinger Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I Decided to Use My Schick G Type Today to Compare it to the Cobra Classic with a Cut Down Feather Blade with the Same Soap & the Same 2 Days of Whiskers to Cut Down..The Schick Type G is Widely Regarded as a Middle of the Road Injector in Terms of Aggressiveness..I would Concur with that..o_O

I just Done this because the Cobra is Fresh in My Mind & I will be having Further Use with it..I Just had to Do this for Me Sorta Thing..Just as a Reminder..The Feather Pro Blade Does Work Well in the Schick G Type..No Bones about that..The G Type is Far Smoother & Far More Forgiving with a Pro Blade than the Cobra with a 1st Shave with a New Pro Blade.:rolleyes:

The Schick G Type is a Bit More Aggressive than the Cobra Classic Though..The Proof was in the Pudding So to Speak..On My 1st WTG Pass it Blew More Whiskers Away than the Cobra with a New Pro Blade..Night & Day in Fact..I had that Much of a Whisker Reduction I decided to Go for BBS Dolphin Smooth Shave with a 2nd ATG Pass..:)

The Cobra Needed that 3rd Pass for Sure..No Bones about that..Its a Milder Shaver & Less Efficient that the Schick Type G that was Introduced in 1947..I have Far More Aggressive Injectors than the Schick Type G by the Way..:eek:

I have Already Said that I Like the Cobra Classic & I Do..I Just had to Carry Out this Wee Experiment to Remind Myself that these Great Men of Old Dedicated their Lives Perfecting SE Razors with Surgical Tolerances & Precision..The Blade is More Rigid an Precise in the Schick Type G because of a Lifetime of Endeavour's of these Great Men..:oops:

The Comb & Stops in the Cobra Classic are No Where Near as Precise or Exacting..I have No Intention of Taking anything Away From the Cobra as its a Lovely SE & I am Going to Say it Again..;)

I like it..:D

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The great thing about being back home is 'choice', so this evening's theme is 'I'm the Man'

Seygus brass head/DIY bullet handle/Feather
Muhle synthetic
Alvarez Gomez shower gel
Alvarez Gomez Cream
Alvarez Gomez EDC
A reappearance by my Mexican cereal bowl

So basically a bit of a Spanish affair to go with the new Seygus head, which mated with the brass handle is an object of beauty to me. On the working side of the story I could shave with this thing all night long and be a happy bunny. It is so similar in feel to my well likened R89, but with a more aggressive 'Look I am doing something' edge about it while instilling a wonderful sense of confidence. It would be very difficult (unless acting like one is wearing clown shoes) to go wrong with this baby. Zero nicks, zero rash and a 'jealous dolphin' shave.

Top of the list? In my small world of razors it is 'the man' (I was of course referring to the Seygus not me in my theme this evening)

Alvarez Gomez because what is there not to like about their products?
Heard so much good stuff about the Voskhod blades I took a chance and bought 50...seemed like the best price point from the UK supplier. So, first time using a Voskhod...very impressed. Easily a match for the smoothness and comfort of the Personna Platinums, so my investment (all of £6.99 - is it cheaper to get from Russia?) seems worth it.

Musgo Real lime face soap
Proraso white pre-shave and cream
The increasingly excellent Razorock Plissoft 24mm
Still my 34C HD + Voskhod
Alum, followed by rinse, followed by Grey Flannel AS lotion (an acquired taste...maybe I shouldn't have drunk it)...give it time and it has a very smokey finish
GFT Lime Skin Food balm

Lovely jubbly!

Today's shave.jpg
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I wish I could use a straight. They look so much the business
I tried a straight...never really enjoyed it and hated the blade maintenance...even though I already had quality whetstones and often sharpen several fixed blade knives (camping, bushcraft etc). DE and SE seems simpler and less hassle. on the other hand, if I'd persevered, maybe I'd be singing a different tune and bragging about being the ultimate wet shaver!
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