S.O.T.D. Saturday 9th July to Friday 15th July 2016

Wed 13th July
Omega 10037 boar
Lea Classic soap
PAL Injecto-matic
Schick S/S single [2- japan]
Alum rub /rinse off
Lea Classic A/S

What a relief , after shaving with two razors with blades at optimum. At least I know how far I can comfortably go with these razors and the blades used.
As usual I find this razor a delight to hold and use , very agile and with a fresh blade delivers a nice close shave.

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Musgo Real lime face soap
GFT lime Skin food pre-shave
Scottish Fine Soap (First use - lathered very well in mug)
Exec Shaving Co. Silver tip travel brush (got it to replace lost travel brush - like it so much I use it for home shaves too)
34C HD + Personna Platinum
Alum followed by rinse and Floid Vigoroso (Nice face feel)
GFT lime Skin Food post-shave after 15 mins

Overall a nice comfortable shave, no nicks or burn after 2 full passes and a third to catch a couple of areas around jaw line that always seem to need a little more effort.
very nice
Showershave (again)
-Gillette Guard (4 uses)
(The more practice, the better it gets. Not just for travel kits)
-Un-lathered Kiss my Face Lavender & Shea
(If I could only pick one creme... it wouldn't be this one, but, if I could only pick two cremes....)
-Kent Infinity Silvertex
(Better for painting than splaying. I want to like it, but if I ease off the pressure just a little bit it's high density & short loft cause all the bristles to come together - "snap shut" - and it digs in)
-Witch Hazel
(The best I've found in alcohol free is Reids of Chester who steadfastly refuse to give me any sort of kickback in spite of repeated requests)
-La Toja Balm
(Reminds me of the beach. Like most of my favourite smells, there's something in it I don't quite like)
I've always been prejudiced against showershaving, so I'm doing my best to overcome by doing it every day this week. So far, so-so. It's not as bad as I'd thought, and very quick, but then, because we only have a broom cupboard bathroom, I usually shave in the kitchen anyway.
You've heard of the 'Red Wedding'? Well here's my 'Red Shave'...just finished it...some blood splatter might have added something to the photo but thankfully it was a cut-free shave

Proraso red pre-shave
Proraso red soap - excellent lather and cushion
Brush - RazoRock Plissoft 24mm (brand new, and first ever use of a synthetic) - absolutely loved it! Really held water well and loaded well...very comfortable to use and I actually preferred it to any of my silver tips!
Razor: 34C HD + Persona - 2nd shave with the blade - worked very nicely with the soap
Thayers with Aloe Vera
Mysrol Plastic AS splash - fantastic sweet shop/candy store scent with a real menthol kick - 'zingy' stuff
Lucky Tiger as a balm instead of my usual GFT Skin Food (kept with the red theme but has no alcohol so works as a great balm and excellent with the Myrsol)

Overall a great shave and what a great brush for such bargain prices