S.O.T.D. Saturday 6th May to Friday 12th May 2017

SOTD 7/5/17

Hot Towel, BBA Face Wash, BBA Shave Oil, BBA Shave Butter, Muhle R41, Shark (3), BBA Shave Matches, BBA Post Shave Balm, BBA Face Moisturiser

My first time using the butter today. I gave yesterday a day off so as to have a bit more stubble to deal with. The preparation was really nice today. The shave butter (brushless) did a good job, and we all know I like how the post shave is with BBA products. All in all, a successful first use of the Shave Butter.

What I did notice was that instead of a really slippy glide, it was a silky smooth action, akin to a perfect ball bearing joint. That level of smooth. Only niggle is the clogging of the DE, but it's a minor inconvenience at worst.
Shake Sharp (Permasharp²) vs Shovelhead (Blue Star), both appropriately shimmed. Wonderful shave, both very close and comfortable, I'm again thinking the SS side is a tad smoother on the crown. Not pushing these carbon blades too far makes me appreciate how good these razors could be.

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Sunday 7 May 2017

Mastro Livi Razor Club 2017

Still on the road and still having the immense pleasure of testing this Mastro Livi Club Razor 2017. I have to say this is a super straight razor with a proverbial and impeccable edge, delivering a magnificent smooth and close shave. I can't wait to get my Mastro Livi Club Razor 2017 and I am sure it will make a great couple with the 2016 edition. The shave was very comfortable and smooth, also thanks to Cella shaving cream and the magic touch of Floïd Blue aftershave, one of the very best lotions both for performance and fragrance. I should say a great aftershave coupled to an incredibly beautiful masterpiece such as this Mastro Livi Club Razor 2017!​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Cella Shaving Cream
  • Brush: Omega Bristle #89
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Club Razor 2017, 8/8 Full Hollow, French Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extravirgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Floïd Blue

Prep: Hot shower, Nivea face scrub and L'Oreal charcoal face wash
Razor: The General
Razor blade: Proline
Brush: Elite Manchurian
Bowl: Little Wren Pottery
Cream: BBA sample
Post: Thayers witch hazel and Fine Platinum A/S

Had a break from the Supply today. I only shaved with it yesterday but felt like needed another shave before I go back to work. I don't like to shave everyday if I can help it. My skin can become tender if I shave every day.

Really wanted to go back to The General. It's on loan from @Acer89 aka James at the moment. I'll have to send it back soon so wanted to get another shave with it.
Really enjoyed using it and I didn't find the weight an issue, which is something I was concerned about the last time I used it.

Used the BBA shaving cream for the first time. A good cream, nice cologne scent, enough slickness and can take some water. Would prefer more cushion though.

What do you think about the Proline against the Feather Pro?
What do you think about the Proline against the Feather Pro?

A different league.....Bear in mind I've very limited experience of either.

I've only used the Feather Pro three times but found them to be a little rough, nothing major and they did smooth out but they left my face feeling raw. This could be down to a few things though. My first use of an AC type blade and SE razor.

I tried the Proline next and loved them straight away, very smooth and sharp.

I have used the Kai Captain mild and really liked it to.