S.O.T.D. Saturday 4th Febuary to Friday 10th Febuary 2017

That's a beast of a razor..you could chop a oak tree down with that, and shave with it the next day!
Haha yeah It has a very nice weight to it & is a pleasure to use.She's very forgiving but could easily cause some damage should I lose focus for a second.Thats what I like about razors.If you respect them they will never let you down.If you don't,well it's off to A&E lmfao haha
Wise words..I give all my razors the upmost respect and concentration either Aggressive or non aggressive.if you don't they bite you!..

Tuesday 7th February 2017
Prep: Shower
Razor: Star 1912 (USA Model)
Blade: GEM Stainless Coated
Brush: Cashmere/Vulfix 404
Cream: La Toja Sensitive
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDP: Miller Harris Cassis En Feuille

This rough old five quid Star is a truly great shaver, I always find it really fascinating just how differently the various 1912's shave.


SOTD 7th Feb 2017

Razor..Hone type 15
Blade..Polsilver Stainless (lodz) #2
Soap..Figaro P.160
Brush..Omega pure bristle 21762
Post..Thayers lavender AF witch hazel

A great shave was had as always from the Hone paired with the lodz Polsilver .
The P.160 was superb along with this wonderful brush.

Untill the next time.......
Last edited:
Tues 7th Feb

RazoRock Plissoft 22mm
Speick Active
PAL S/S Adjustable
Schick "Chick " [ 3 ]
Alum Rub /Rinse Off
Tabac A/S lotion

Currently using some of my favourite Vintage Injectors. Today it is the PAL S/S Adjustable, which for some reason gets a bad press from those unfortunates who cannot use it.

A good start with the choice of soap, which explodes as soon as touched with a damp brush.I thought yesterday
with the Schick N3 was good, but despite using twin blades it cannot match the PAL for smoothness and closeness of all round shave. IMHO based on today`s shave, this Razor gives the modern Se razors that I have tried a run for their money in terms of performance and ease of use. I know it is not all S/S, but I do have a Spare in case I break it.

I agree, a fantastic razor and imo one of the best looking razors ever!

Pre-shave - Warm shower, Wright's cold-tar soap and Proraso Eucalyptus & Menthol Pre Shave Cream.
Razor - Muhle Rocca R96.
Blade - Astra (green) SP (day 4).
Soap - Proraso Shaving Soap Eucalyptus Green
Brush - Simpsons Duke 2.
Post shave - Proraso (Green) Aftershave Splash and Proraso (White) Aftershave Balm.

Nice, relaxed, 2 pass shave. No issues. skin still feeling great.

Have a good day,


Pre: Proraso Red Pre Shave Cream
Brush: Italian Barber 26mm Italian Flag Plissoft
Razor: Merkur 34C HD
Soap: Proraso Red Shaving Cream
Post: Proraso Red Aftershave

A nice shave today, I was chatting to someone on Instagram about Proraso products and fancied using them again, used red today. I am not a sandalwood fan by any stretch of the imagination, in fact Taylor's sandalwood burns me but this Proraso Red is top notch.

My third use of the Ladas and again it impressed me, this is my final use of the blade, I only use a blade three times. I will try a second tomorrow and see if this remains the case.