S.O.T.D. Saturday 28th January to Friday 3rd Febuary 2017

Morning gents,

Yesterday was a hard day for me, we lost one of our two guinea pigs completely unexpectedly and at a young age. I am absolutely devastated. Amazing how much a little creature like a guinea pig can get to you. Horrible.

I wanted to distract myself in the evening with a shave I've wanted to have for a long time, using a razor I've had for a little while but not worked myself around to using, the CV Heljestrand Wedge SE. @Fergiebilly honed the blades for this lovely razor and I know he did a great job on them. He warned me I was highly likely not to get a good shave out of it on my first attempt and he was (as usual) right.

I lathered up with my favourite soap, Wickhams 1912 Cashmere, using my Brad Sears Oriignal Gonzo 24mm Silvertip. Second time using this brush and it is lovely, really enjoy using it

The shave itself started off really well on my cheeks, I thought “this isn't bad, what's Billy talking about”, then I got towards my chin and upper lip and it all went wrong. It started to tug and pull, regardless what angle I used it was cutting but it was really uncomfortable! I persevered for a little bit and tried to do some of my neck (which was better than the chin and upper lip), but eventually gave up and switched over to the GEM OCMM. Finished off that first pass and lathered up for a second pass. Ended up smooth with no weepers or irritation. I was happy not to cause any damage with the CV Heljestrand but a little disappointed with my very apparent lack of technique! It was still a good shave though given the circumstances. We now have to find a new companion for our remaining pig, she's lost her sister and they are not solitary animals. It's going to be hard accepting a new pig (or two) into the fold, the one we lost had a special place in our hearts.

Hope you all have a good Monday.

Razor - ATT SE1 Kronos
Blade - Kai captain mild (8)
Brush - Vulfix bodger
Soap - Essence of Scotland , Highland bothy
Post - Thayers WH cucumber , Dove ASB
A/S - D.R.Harris sandalwood

Back to my new SE razor today and it's treated me with another nice fuss free shave.Two pass + a swipe of the razor to chase off the stubble I missed on my lower neck.
Feeling smooth and smelling good.

+1 on the Shark Super Stainless blades..i always get good results with them also.

Two Pass Shaving Routine..

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
French Special Monneret 1/2 Hollow 6/8th
Mason Pearson Pure Badger
Phoenix & Beau Tallow Soap
Logona Mann Balm

A Very Comfortable Shave this Morning with My Frenchy 6/8th..Smooth as Butter this Heavy Spine SR & Just Ploughs through the Whiskers..Super Shiny & Real Looker..A 20 K Synthetic Edge on this SR & Perfect Yin & Yang Balance..My Face is as Shiny as a Pair of Guardsman Drill Boots..

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..


Love the public enemy track haha
Saw them
Supporting stone roses at Manchester, not really my cup of tea but they were bloody fantastic haha
How's the straight treating you ?
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Village Barber pre-shave oil
Soap: Tabac
Bowl: Woodhead Pedestal
Brush: Omega boar 10098
Razor: SharpEdge
Blade: Feather (1)
After: WH, Myrsol F./Extra AS

Thought I'd take out my cheap/travel razor for a spin and why not try a Feather blade; surely Feathers can't always be bad for me. Not sure if it was the razor or the blade but I just didn't get in the swing this morning. A few weepers which came from nowhere - now that must be the Feather and reminded me why I don't like 'em.
Apart from that the results were pretty smooth.

Last few blobs of Tabac soap left. I put a small chunk in my lather bowl but even that was too much. Tabac lasts - even using a big old boar brush.

Merry Monday, folks.

Mon 30th Jan

Omega 11137 boar
Hasflinger Honig
Ever Ready Streamline [cased]
Gem S/S [ 1]
Alum Rub/Rinse Off
Jaguar Prestige A/S Lotion

Return to Gem Power, after Injectors old and new. There are those who get on with this
ER creation, and those who do not. It is one of my favourite Razors, and today`s Shave
reinforces that belief.
Loaded with a fresh blade the shave seems quick, but nice and close with a bit of rasp too.In fact the finish as good as any of my recent ones with modern SE razors. Maybe will have to try a Feather Pro, rather than hiding behind the Safety of a Kai mild which still provides me with an assured good quality shave.

Wow very nice razor, but what makes you say that it is a 1/2 Hollow? I think it is full/double hollow, at least by looking at the two stabilizers.