S.O.T.D. Saturday 27th May to Friday 2nd June 2017

That Wickham sounds lush! How'd you get your mitts on it?

Kamisori looks good too! as does the brush... and general...
The fox put them together for my birthday. It was a very nice surprise indeed!

Look out for the last one of the special soaps in my next SOTD... Shaving tonight probably, report in the morn you'll laugh at what's used
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S.O.T.D -
Pre - Hot Shower / Nivea Men Sensitive Face Wash
Razor - Gillette Tech
Blade - Gillette Silver Blue (2)
Brush - Omega 10018 S Brush
Soap - Valobra Cologne
Post - Nivea Men Sensitive Post Shave Balm

nice shave tonight didn't really need to shave but I felt a few whiskers in the shower and thought il shave them off when i get out 3rd time using the valobra soap its great stuff i didn't like the scent when i first got it but once its lathered on your face its ok and i look forward to using it now , will have to try one of the valobra sticks when this runs out ...
Sotd 29/5 -

Razor - Merkur Slant
Blade - Gillette 7 O'clock Blue (1)
Brush - Kent BK2
Soap - Proraso Green tub
Post - Witch hazel
A/S - Proraso Green
Balm - Proraso Green.

Today's shave inspired by @donnie_arko - who commented on rediscovering a blade that hadn't worked historically for him but it does now. Just add experience. I used only kit that I had available to me when I first started wet shaving. Interesting experience.

The Merkur was my second razor - I remember reading someone's advice - LeisureGuy? - that a slant should be everybody's second razor. Worked for me - it's never left the rotation. For the sake of authenticity I broke out one of my precious Gillette 7 O'clock Blues. Yes - they are just as good as I remember them. In retrospect I wish I had bought two cards but I didn't think like that at the time. The brush was probably the the most fun rediscovery. I used it for quite a while but it got shelved when the Chubby turned up. Erroneously I remembered it as a bit scratchy - how wrong was I - that's not scratch that's scritch. Something I now very much enjoy on occasion in a brush. Oh callow youth. Great handle. Soon to return to the rotation. I hadn't used Proraso soap for years - I enjoyed that. Got the best lather I can remember with it. Historically the Green version tended to dry my skin out and I favoured the Red sandalwood but that didn't happen today. Perhaps because the only failure in authenticity is that I used witch hazel and no allum - then it would have been the opposite. Matching splash and balm. I'd forgotten how eye watering the eucalyptus and menthol cream was. I've never used it as pre - barba only post. Result - I'd have been happy with that shave if I had used all my top end gear. It didn't have the refinement in scent or the glide of products costing four times as much but it worked and wasn't far behind. Just add experience. If you have the product in your dens and can recreate an early shave I'd recommend it as educational. Was for me. I enjoyed that. My skin is still perfect hours later. Enjoy your shaves. Cheers - I
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+1 for the Valobra soap, top stuff

It seems the Feather Pro blades only last 5 shaves for me... Really rough shave on the moustache area mainly. Next I'll try the AC blades with guards.

@Corto - nice picture. The Weleda balm is a great product. I'm not nuts on the fragrance but you can't complain about the results. Good luck with your Feather Pro blade quest. I ended up just using the Super Pros - it seemed simpler. I haven't regretted it. A steep learning curve for me but worth it. I
@Digimonkey , funny you should mention Feather super pro's , I've just started using them in my brass General and wow, what a difference ....for the better ( for me and YMMV ect ) and I shall be sticking with them P.

I've read conflicting reports about wether the Super Pro can be used on the Asylum or not...

It seems the Feather Pro blades only last 5 shaves for me... Really rough shave on the moustache area mainly. Next I'll try the AC blades with guards.

First thing.....I prefer the Super pros....last longer and much smoother for me. I am only using the Pros at the moment because I have so many. I dont have an Asylum....but have used them successfuly in the Cobra classic which is a very agressive razor. Second....where did you get the Semogue synthetic. I love Semogues....but find myself moving towards synthetics more and more.
I've read conflicting reports about wether the Super Pro can be used on the Asylum or not...

I couldn't comment on the Feather in the Asylum razor as I have never used one. My interest in these blades is mostly because I need to use them with a Cobra Classic. There seems to be many more varieties around these days than when I first got the razor. For me - it's simpler to use the Super Pros. The Cobra is the only SE I own. I have been tempted by the idea of the second generation Claymore though. I

The Claymore is good. I went for the head only option

It was a limited edition of Semogue and the Portuguese wetshaving forum Barbear Clássico. I don't think there are any remaining brushes from the limited run of 100 but you could try contacting http://vintagescent.com/ as Bruno, the store owner, was managing the sale. What was rumoured was that if this run was successful Semogue could then use this kind of synthetic knots with other handles in "normal" editions. All that I will say is that I would buy another brush with this knot in a heartbeat, it really is a great brush! A lathering monster, great backbone, no flopiness, and smooth as angels feathers caressing our face.