S.O.T.D. Saturday 27th May to Friday 2nd June 2017

Evening gents,

Last night's shave report below. It was my first of a Kamisori and my 15th straight shave. It was also my first Brass General shave, but don't think that's quite as exciting lol. One pass with the Kamisori, second pass withthe Brass General. Used a very special Wickham 1912 not available for general sale, Sweet Tobacco, I was surprised, I didn't think I'd like it... I did! Finished off with Wickham 1912 Classic 24 Aftershave Balm, which is already pretty much spot on, but Darron insists on tinkering!

Regarding the Kami, I quitelike not having scales. Was happy to keep dipping my toe in with the straight shaving.

The Brass General is odd. It is one of th heaviest razors I've used and it feels like it is not currently at all. There is virtually no blade feel. That said it was incredibly smooth and rather efficient. I'm not sure about it, I also really dislike the smell of the metal, but we shall see how the next shave with it goes!

- Unknown Kamisori
- Brass General - Schick Proline (3)
- Mervyn Cadman Finest L7 Orange Earth
- Wickham 1912 Sweet Tobacco
- Thayers Aloe Witch Hazel
- Wickham 1912 Classic 24 Aftershave Balm

First ever sandalwood shave...........Monday the 29th of May...........

Schick Type E
Chick (1)
Vulfix 404
Truefitt & Hill Sandalwood Cream
Truefitt & Hill Sandalwood Aftershave Balm

Never having used a sandalwood product before, nor even having the foggiest what the scent maybe like; I left this particular T&H sample towards the end of the sample pack.

Anyway. turns out I really liked the scent. I mean really liked it :eek: T&H cream is just class, and as I've worked my way through the samples, the only difference has been the scent. All have performed for me consistently well. So far, my favourite of the T&H creams. Enjoyed the shave so much; could see me buying a tub.

@Electrif - Arthur, this is actually a response to something you said last week but I thought it worth posting here in case it's of use to anyone else. You mentioned about the Speick stick not being available with a travel tube as Lea or La Toja. I knew I had seen just the very thing for sale a while back - possibly at Shaving.ie and went to check. If they did they don't now. On the other hand these people do - https://www.shaver.eu/en/shaving-soaps/speick-shaving-soap-stick-in-box-50g
A Swedish based site it seems. I'd not been aware of them before now. If I remember correctly Sweden is a full EU member so there shouldn't be any delivery problems if you are in the UK or the rest of Europe. Looks like a good price - I'm tempted myself, I've never used Speick but there seem to be plenty that rate it highly. Hope this helps - cheers - I
@Electrif - Arthur, this is actually a response to something you said last week but I thought it worth posting here in case it's of use to anyone else. You mentioned about the Speick stick not being available with a travel tube as Lea or La Toja. I knew I had seen just the very thing for sale a while back - possibly at Shaving.ie and went to check. If they did they don't now. On the other hand these people do - https://www.shaver.eu/en/shaving-soaps/speick-shaving-soap-stick-in-box-50g
A Swedish based site it seems. I'd not been aware of them before now. If I remember correctly Sweden is a full EU member so there shouldn't be any delivery problems if you are in the UK or the rest of Europe. Looks like a good price - I'm tempted myself, I've never used Speick but there seem to be plenty that rate it highly. Hope this helps - cheers - I
Or you can just google SPEICK UK and order direct from them. That's how I get mine...;)
@Digimonkey , Speick is a really good product. Similar to Weleda. Their products are as natural as possible. Their range is extensive and includes an excellent mens range. Worth trying.

Thanks - I've often meant to try it - I think I'll move it higher up the new soaps to pick up list. Speick UK - ha ha - that would be much simpler. Cheers - I
Monday's shave :)

Pre-shave - warm shower, Wright's Coal-tar soap, followed by Proraso Pre-shave cream (Green).
Razor - Hone 15.
Blade - Astra SP (Green) (day 1).
Soap - Gentleman's Groom Room Sweet Essence of Scotland Sweet Gale Traditional Shaving Soap.
Brush - Simpsons Duke 2.
Post shave - Myrsol "Metilsol" Astringent After Shave and Organic Aloe-Vera.

A great shave, 2 passes with a slight touch up. First shave with a DE for 3 weeks. I really enjoy shaving with the Hone. While the Astra SP (Green) is an excellent blade (I appreciate that YMMV), this when paired with the Hone is a mild-ish shave - I find that the Hone shaves more closely/efficiently with a Feather or Gillette Silver Blue.

That said very comfortable shave, skin looking and feeling good post shave.

All the best,

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