S.O.T.D. Saturday 25th May to Friday 31th May 2013 ...


Prep: Hot flannel
Razor: Mergress long handle
Blade: Super Iridium (2)
Brush: Simpsons Emperor 2 Super
Soap: Henk's Dutch Moss - scuttle lathered
Post: Witch hazel and Bulldog balm

Three passes. WTG on a 5, XTG on a 4 and ATG on a 3 gave a result which I'm guessing was the equal of Mikael's!

The Mergress was an itch I simply had to scratch and I'm pleased I did.

However, I then ruined matters my using some expensive Hawaiian Tropic factor 50 suncream which went on like Dulux gloss and absorbed about as well as it too. Can't believe how crap it is for how much it cost. Straight back to the Ambre Solaire next time.
muhle r41
semogue oc 2 band
ingrams shave cream
bleu de chanel AS
jo malone vetyver cologne

fantastic close shave. im always amazed when i have a shave like this that the derby blades get so much bad press... irritation free, zero blood and in the r41 to boot, a great blade for me.
Proraso pre
Nanny's Arabian Nights / Kent BK2
EJ89 / Rapira Super Stainless (1st use)
DR Harris Marlborough AS

I have never managed to get on with Nanny's soap, but having heard the advice about putting it into a bigger container I decided to give it another go. I found an old bodyshop body butter tub that SWMBO wasn't going to finish off and used that - it's an ideal size, 9cm across.

Anyway, the long and short of it is that it was a revelation! I was able to load the brush properly and generated loads of lather that remained slick to the end. Great stuff.

Twelve hours later and my face is still smooth - overall a great start to the Bank Holiday weekend
I have taken this photo shoot especially for Martin. This morning I asked myself: What I can use today, along with the Rubberset 400-3? And the response has been The Cobra. Martin where are you? Nice looking combo, not?

3p Pre Shave
EJ Best
Merkur 33c
Treet Platinum
Witch Hazel Gel.

Really impressed with the Treet blade seems to get better with age.
Will try a fourth day with it tomorrow.
Dr Dulcamara said:
I have taken this photo shoot especially for Martin. This morning I asked myself: What I can use today, along with the Rubberset 400-3? And the response has been The Cobra. Martin where are you? Nice looking combo, not?

Just look at that simply gorgeous,I can tell the Good doctor has polished that cobra razor to show room condition just for Martin the man deserves some recognition for his work :angel:

For enabling an old and stingy man, you must work hard. And use all the dirty tricks available. Now he must be weighing the bag of pennies hesitant buy a Cobra or not, ha ha.
Gillette Aristocrat Junior
Super Iridium (2)
Semogue SOC 2-band
Speick shaving cream
Proraso blue balm
Creed Original Vetiver

Not the most thorough of shaves - I'll put it down to tiredness.

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: yes Dr your right you do have to try all the dirty tricks in the book ( and make some up at the same time) he is stingy and crafty (He's one of the enablers in here, with his links to products, and if your really unlucky a link to a video, and that's designed to make you commit suicide.)

still look on the bright side my friend, if you've missed Marty then you'll have a few others sweating and trashing there houses with a King Kong size monkeys on their backs :icon_razz:

Kind regards John.

Dear Good Doctor,

Holy crap.......sounds like your choice of shaving weapons was more like a battle plan. I am thinking I know who the intended target is and it is me!

You have been reading posts not directed exactly towards you.......almost like eavesdropping. Yes, I was telling Paul about my damn Cobra Kong acting up a little bit. I bet that's where you got that info. Now aren't you ashamed of yourself? The very idea!!!!
Hah, how was that? Like that type of humor do you? Perfect for a snake oil salesman.

You know, I saw that brush handle post of yours recently and didn't say anything. However, since I'm already typing in your general direction I might mention seeing a handle like that not too long ago. Damned if I remember where, but I think it was all grimy and the knot was beat up. Nothing I looked at twice at the time, and now it's bugging me. Sheeeesh.

John, I guess you liked his old stingy bastard line and him mentioning using some 'enhanced' methods to achieve God knows what. He musta seen in my post that I was thinking about selling something to buy a damn Cobra. More shaving crap....sigh.

Thank you both for your continued interest in my happiness.

This evening:

Prep: Cold rinse
Razor: Feather Artist Club RG (wood), Pro blade

Remembered to pack my brush, forgot to pack a soap. So I just hand-lathered some hotel shampoo/conditioner on my stubble and had a really good shave.

I remember you saying about selling some of your shaving crap Marty and investing in a cobra...nice to see your resisting the good Dr's advancements, if you was a lady I feel you would indeed be the virgin bride on the wedding night.

Martin, I can not understand sometimes your writing. Is my poor command of the language, you know. Buy a Cobra, you might like it. And if you see one Rubberset 400 again, not let it go. It is easy to restore, and very grateful.
I love you, man. I like you. I do not follow much this forum, and I do not know the whole story of you with others, with Mikael, and John, but I like you, man. Hope no offense you with my early words. But when I shave with the Cobra you come in my mind, guy.