S.O.T.D. Saturday 25th March to Friday 31st March 2017

Tuesday's shave.

Pre-shave - Warm shower, Wright's Coal Tar Soap.
Razor - Hone 15a.
Blade - Astra SP (Green) (day 1).
Soap - l'Occitane Cade Rich Shaving Cream.
Brush - Simpsons Chubby 2 - Best Badger
Post shave - OSP OSP Aftershave Tonic 100ml - Eucalyptus & Menthol and l'Occitane Cedrat After Shave Cream Gel.

Great shave this morning, nice 3 pass, very comfortable and no issues. The Cade cream felt great on the skin - decided to use without any shaving oil.

Have a good Tuesday, Chris
Tue 28th March
RazoRock Syn. 24mm
Speick Active
The General & S/S Handle
Feather Pro [ 7 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Tabac A/S lotion

No heating last night and cold water feed to downstairs Bathroom off, quick Shave before Heating Engineers
arrive. Used the General with the heavier handle, which is proving to be a good combination in ensuring a no pressure Shave. The pro blade shows no sign of tailing off, so attained a nice clean all round Shave.

Just seen the Chaps off, having been given a run down on controls for New System, seems much more flexible than the old system. Now going to have the Shower I missed this morning.


Musgo Real Glycerine Soap
Semogue 1305
EUFROS Tobacco Limited Edition Spanish Shavers
Merkur Slant 37C
Merkur (x2)
Thayers Rose Petal + Floid Vigoroso​

+ 1 on the Merkur Slant 37C,Semogue 1305 & Thayers Rose Petal + Floid Vigoroso...A superb shave set up...I've yet to try the Merkur blades..i'll have to give them a try...Floid Vigoroso is one of my favourite all time A/S splashes...wonderful stuff.
+ 1 on the Merkur Slant 37C,Semogue 1305 & Thayers Rose Petal + Floid Vigoroso...A superb shave set up...Floid Vigoroso is one of my favourite all time A/S splashes...wonderful stuff.

Thanks friend! It was indeed a good shave! The Merkur blade was more respectful of my skin on this second use, but that's the usual with DE blades, at least for me. Zero irritation and an effective shave. The Semogue 1305 had its first use in this shave, and though I'm partial to Semogue boar brushes, I must say this really is an excellent brush, its handle for bowl lathering is just perfect. The soap is an EUFROS, not much more needed to be said. Top notch performant soaps, with exquisite scents.
You can look forward to some warmth tonight and as much hot water as you want......joy of joys!

Although I said I was going to give the General a break for a few days, after Saturday's disappointing shave with the ATT S2 I wanted to go back to the General.

I used the Kai Captain Mild blade for the first time and it wasn't to bad. I hadn't shaved since Saturday so it was a bit tuggy on the first pass but it smoothed out quite quickly. It was a bit tough going against the grain on my neck but using shorter strokes worked.
I didn't need many touch ups and wasn't left with any irritation.

I find this razor really rewards you with great results the more you use it. An obvious thing to say but I'm really starting to like it.

I'm still frustrated with the lather with the Irish Fern. I'm loading the brush heavily but still not getting it to a consistency I'm happy with.


This is the Gustavo Romera brush I posted about yesterday. A few months ago when it became apparent he was never going to repair the finish on it himself and ignored all my emails I decided to do what he couldn't. So I sanded it back and applied 3 coats of yacht varnish. It's a much more glossier finish than the brush I bought but at least the water won't rot the handle. It took me 3 days to do what he couldn't manage on two separate occasions.

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