S.O.T.D. Saturday 24th January to Friday 30th January 2015


Razor: Paine & Simpson smiling straight
Strop: Westholme Cordovan
Brush: Omega boar
Cream: TOBS Jerwyn Street
AS: Lilac Veg
Balm: GFT Sandalwood
EDT (in morning): Pens Castile

When I first started using this straight I thought' Hang on, it's barely cutting!'

Well, it certainly did. It delivered a very smooth shave indeed once I'd touched up a couple of areas. I've got sharper straights, but this is probably one of the smoothest (no irritation after using).

A spritzing of my favourite Pens scent and all was well.
Ralf Aust 5/8 razor
Semogue OC boar brush
Palmolive stick grated into tin
Old Spice Fresh Lime AS
Myrsol Emulsion

Excellent shave with this Aust razor that was honed by UKRob another great job thanks mate!
rowlers said:
Palmolive Stick
Semogue 830
Dovo Shavette (Chinese Copy)
Progress [3]
Lab Blue [3]
Cloud Blade [1]

First time with one of these "straights" right cheek was fairly easy as was under neck and jaw. Left cheek a bit more of an issue (using right arm), chin and 'tash area = no chance! Couldn't get angle/arm/hand in the right position. With the right angle an extremely close and smooth shave is attainable. Not sure if straight shaving is for me, I don't think I have the patients to learn!
Finished with my Progress for a cracking shave...

It is a good strategy to try just the cheeks down to the jawline for a couple of goes before trying the neck, around the jawline, chin and upper lip. Go slow and steady just getting the hang of the angle and finish off with a safety razor that you're comfortable with - it only takes just over a handful of goes 'til your happy with just the straight.
S.O.T.D. 24 January 2015

Shave 24 January 2015


The Durham Duplex with the Personna Pathology Blade 72-0200 performed far better than the Durham Dorset with the 72-0200 as seen in the SOTD from 18 January 2015.

The stainless steel 72-0200 work well in this razor and provided a 2 1/2 pass DFS which could have been a BBS if I had remembered to keep the head flatter to the face during the entire shave. I don't know whether this razor will see regular rotation to the size of the head which makes it less maneuverable for me than DE, Injectors or SE systems. This will more than likely be used as a change of pace razor when I feel the desire for something different.

muhle r89
derby extra
omega 20102
soap commander true rose shaving soap, still cant bring myself to call it love soap :)
weleda AS balm
truefitt and hill grafton cologne

whenever i use a derby blade im always baffled by the bad press they get. i always get a good irritation free, bloodless shave from them.

Evening, everybody.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Green Gillette 7 o' clock (1)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Wickham's Imperial Tonic
Aftershave: Homemade Kölnisch Wasser splah
Cologne: James Bronnley

Problem-free, accidental BBS.
Pre: Village Barber oil
Soap: XPEC Original
Brush: Rubberset-400 replica with 26mm TGN Finest 2-band
Razor 1: Wadsworth XLNT
Razor 2: Mongoose Satin w/Dr. Bomber handle
Blade: Feather Pro (3)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel followed by Village Barber balm
Beautiful Saturday evening 2-pass DFS. One with the Wadsworth, one with the Goose. I love having naked women in my bathroom! :D
Future, 3
Gillette blade #4
Omega 48
Alcohado glacial/ witch hazel mix
Aloe vera gel

Was having a reaction to the wars stuff so using the basics which provide good skin care. Super smooth shave. Great razor

Sunday 25th January 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Schick Injector G8
Blade: Personna Stainless Coated
Brush: Semogue 620 Boar
Soap: Speick Men Active
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Grey Flannel


Sunday 25th january 2015

Neutrogena Glyc Bar
Vulfix 404 mixed
La Toja cream
Gem [ 2 ]
Alum Rub / Rinse off
Woods of Windsor A/S Balm
La Toja A/S Lotion

MM Razors V other SE.
Back to Clog Pruf , with blade on 2- excellent shave .and definitely better than
that with the Gem Push Button. Tomorrow the MMOC, no more putting it off.
Mongoose & Kai Pink
Thäter 4125/1 2-band
Wickham English Rose
Myrsol Agua Balsamica
Unrefined shea butter
Serge Lutens Chergui

One of my best shaves. My first use of the Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink blades was superb. I hope their longevity is as good as the Feather Professional blades.
Sapone : Lebelle Soaps Barbiere Italiano
Pennello : Simpson The Colonel X2L in Manchurian
Rasoio : Kamisori
Strop : Paciccella in Cordovan
AS : Fine American Blend


bilbo72 said:
Strop : Paciccella in Cordovan

That's some serious strop porn :rolleyes: and a lot of nice stuff from other gentlemen!

Ever Ready 1924
Mühle silvertip fibre 25mm
Petal Pushers Fancies Kokum Butter Amber
Clubman Special Reserve

First shave with the shovelhead, awesome!
Prep: Village Barber Oil
Soap: Dr Harris Windsor
Razor: Weber DLC/UFO U2
Brush: Simpsons P8
Splash: Dr Harris Windsor
Balm: Unrefined Shea Butter
Edt: Dr Harris Windsor

A bloody good shave after a nice 5km run this morning, BBS smelling lovely and really enjoying this unrefined Shea butter.
Sunday 25 January 2015

Sunday 25 January 2015


Mastro Livi Grifetto, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round Point

Yet another impeccable shave with Mastro Livi Grifetto. I absolutely love this straight razor, easy to use and giving a super smooth shave. I also love the scales of Grifetto, made from olive wood, directly recalling the lovely view you have here in Umbria, where hills are full of olive trees: definitely an Umbrian wood! This Mastro Livi Grifetto steel is velvety yet very effective, giving a deep and smooth shave, a straight razor I am certainly suggesting to everyone who wants to get into the wonderful world of wet shaving with a straight razor.​

  • Pre-Shave: Roberts Distilled Rose Water
  • Soap: Mondial Almond Shaving Soap
  • Brush: Omega Badger #63167
  • Bowl: Old Barber Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Grifetto, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round Point
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Floïd Mentolado Vigoroso
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