S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st March to Friday 27th March 2015

Prep- Tepid water splash
Soap- Le Pere Lucien Original
Brush- SOC
Razor- ATT R2 Kronos
Blade- Personna 'Barber" [2]
Post- Fine Fresh Vetiver AS

Received the soap and aftershave and dashed to the bathroom for a shave! The soap lathered up easily but I put too much on and had to dilute on the face to prevent drying out during shave; the soap has good glide and protection and smells of medicinal/woodsy scent which I find pleasant. The Fresh Vetiver AS is superb on a sunny Spring day! :icon_razz:

Soap: Petal Pusher Fancies Honeysuckle
Brush: Edwin Jagger Best Badger Brush
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Personna Platinum Red (3)
Post: Thayers Witch Hazel with Fitjar Folgefonn Mint After Shave Balm
Scent: Olfactive Studio Still Life EdP

Not entirely convinced these red / Israeli Personna platinum blades work that well in my ATT!

Evening, everyone.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: Yuma
Blade: Super Max Blue Diamond (5)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Palmolive
Aftershave: M&S Harvard
Third day with the Gillette Black Beauty.
Not a bad shave at all.

Razor: Gillette Black Beauty
Blade: Rapira
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson
Soap: Mystic Water Unscented
A/S: Zirh Erase
Body splash: The Veg


Razor: Schick Stick
Blade: Chick
Brush: Muhle V2 synthetic
Cream: Refinery gel
AS: Hai Karate
Balm: Village Barber balm

Am going away shortly so thought I'd experiment with one possible travel setup.

Have to say this gel is brilliant. Probably the best canned goop I've used (even better than Noxzema!)
Re: RE: S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st March to Friday 27th March 2015

Snap (almost)

I was testing a travel setup as well.

Razor: Schick Stick
Blade: Personna
Brush: Body Shop Synthetic
Soap: Homemade MWF\Palmolive shaving stick
AS: Old Spice Noir \ Baby oil light spray.

Been a while since I used a synthetic, I think the lather was a bit thin due to too much water. Ended up with a few nicks.

Might take the Proraso travel kit with the mini boar instead.
Thur 26th March

Pre Wash Neutrogena
Vulfix 404 mixed
Lea Classic Soap- face lathered
Ever Ready 1914
Gem S/S [ 4 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse Off
Lea A/S Balm
Floid vigoroso A/S

On blade use 4, pulling a bit. Better shave than yesterday with Cream !
Soap : 'Lilac' created by John Hallock AKA The Mad Scientist
Brush : Simpsons Classic 2 Best Badger
Razor : Merkur 1904
Blade : Scottish Perma-Sharp
Post : Pitralon + TOBS Herbal Aftershave Cream
Fragrance : Geo F Trumper Ajaccio Violets

Fine shave! John's creations and scents are great, I believe he uses Arko soap then gives it a twist. Next up for me is his 'Honeysuckle Fir' soap. Also have a tube of Bozzano shave cream from Brazil! Anyone tried this one before?

Thursday 26th March 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Valet Autostrop (Runner Guard Model)
Blade: Feather Stainless SE
Brush: Duke 3
Soap: Palmolive Stick Grated
Aftershave: Floid Balm
