S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st March to Friday 27th March 2015


Monday 23rd March 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM Junior 1912 Baton Handle
Blade: Gem Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Semogue 620 Boar
Soap: Speick Men Active
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Grey Flannel


mpf9ret said:
Monday 23rd March

pre wash. Neutrogena Glycerine soap
Victoria P/B brush
La Toja Cream
ER Streamline
Gem S/S [ 1 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Nivea A/S Balm
La Toja A/S Lotion.

Taming blade for Birthday of 1914 tomorrow ! 1914 now loaded to go.

I like the weight of this razor, which seems to give me as near to BBS, as I will ever get.
Perplexed, that it is not to well liked by some fellow SE shavers.

I think it's just that the Streamline is just so expensive a razor compared to other SE razors that it doesn't show up very often in SOTDs. It's a bit like the Fatboy of the SE world.
Sapone : Klar Kabinett
Pennello : Nero Ardesia 26mm Silvertip
Rasoio : Thiers-Issard Grelot Crown Silver Wing 5/8
Strop : Paciccella
AS : Alt Innsbruck
EDT : Alt Innsbruck


C&E West Indian limes cream
Omega boar
Gillette Silver Blue (1)
C&E West Indian limes ASB

Fantastic shave! I've been using my Weber exclusively since acquiring it back in January but fancied a change today and used the DE89. Paired with a GSB I ended up with the most comfortable shave I've had for a long time. Watch out Weber!
feather as d2
polsilver si #6
tubby 2
frankensoap - (arko, wickham's, eucris cream)
Bond a/s
Floris JF edt

another smooth outing for this set-up. Another Polish aftershave, less well known than Wars but much better performance and a great scent that matches the JF
Re: RE: S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st March to Friday 27th March 2015

Smiler said:
C&E West Indian limes cream
Omega boar
Gillette Silver Blue (1)
C&E West Indian limes ASB

Fantastic shave! I've been using my Weber exclusively since acquiring it back in January but fancied a change today and used the DE89. Paired with a GSB I ended up with the most comfortable shave I've had for a long time. Watch out Weber!
It's easy to forget how good the EJ89 actually is.
Kent Infinity
Arko stick (pressed into tub)
Face lathered
Schick Platinum/Personna Lab Blue (3)
3 Pass
Witch Hazel > Nivea sensitive balm > Jazz EDT

First use of the Schick, great audible feedback and very smooth with the Personna.
Great slick from the Arko.

Prep - Shower / Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam towel
Razor - Gillette Fatboy @7
Blade - Perma-Sharp Super (#3)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko / Rosemary & Lavender EO's
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH mix
Result - BBS

The Perma-Sharps continue their sterling work. Probably the best shave I've had with the Fatboy, so smooth and effortless. These are definitely staying in my rotation from now on. The St.Petersburg plant certainly knows how to make very sharp and very comfortable blades.

Afternoon, everyone.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: Yuma
Blade: Super Max Blue Diamond (3)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Erasmic Supreme stick
Aftershave: Boot's Freshwood
Cologne: Kouros
Soap- Barrister & Mann 'Solstice'
Brush- Muhle V2
Razor- ATT M1 Kronos
Blade- Personna 'Barber' [1]
Post- Spieck AS

Last of the Solstice moving on to Seville with the warmer weather and sun shine!
Used my Gillette Black Beauty for the first time today.

It was a great shave - I really, really like that longer handle.

One thing that struck me though was that I started out with the razor set to '7' and that didn't feel very aggressive so I maxed it out to '9' right away.
The shave went really well and I ended up with a great, smooth face - but I can't help but to think that a '9' on the Black Beauty is like a '6' or '7' on a Slim.

Have I been away from the Gillette adjustables for too long or have anyone else noticed something similar?

Razor: Gillette Black Beauty, gold plating
Blade: Rapira
Brush: SOC Boar
Soap: Beer soap brewing company - Corona,
A/S: Lucky Tiger

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