S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st March to Friday 27th March 2015


Evening, everyone.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: Yuma
Blade: Super Max Blue Diamond (7)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Wickham's coconut
Aftershave: Pashana Bay Rum
Cologne: M&S North Shore
Maca Root shave cream
Omega 49
Mongoose on Custom Stainless Handle
(Sort of a Razorock copy with Knurled bottom!)
Pro blade [4]
Blue Stratos AS
Lacoste Red
Maca Root Face Protector

3 days growth swyped away with the 'goose. It surprises me this razor, it feels draggy in use, but the result is outstanding! Utterly smooth and fast with the extra width!
Do I need one? No! Would I like one, mmm yes!
Proraso green
Omega boar
Weber PH
Polsilver SI
Davidoff Coolwater aftershave
Proraso White ASB

Started the shave with a Lord Super Chrome - didn't like it, restored the karma with a Polsilver. The problem with trying different blades is they have the potential to completely ruin your shave [emoji16]
Brush: Virginia Sheng Purtec
Cream: Ingram
Razor: 37c
Blade: Super Iridium (4)
ASL: Speick

Note the home made customisation to the famous Ikea toothbrush/razor holder.
I have very little space near the mirror so had to have both razor and brush in the same geographical location.