S.O.T.D. Saturday 1th JuneMay to Friday 7th June 2013 ...


Prep: Cold rinse
Razor: Kai Excelia \ Mergress long handle
Blade: Feather Proguard (1) \ Rapira (1)
Brush: Neep Jasper Aztec
Soap: Henk's Dutch Moss - scuttle lathered
Post: Witch hazel and IK balm

Back to WTG passes with the kamisori. Was watching Shavenation on Youtube and he reckons around 100 shaves at least until you get a half decent one! It is a steep learning curve to be sure.

Finished off with the Mergress. Couple of weepers easily closed to leave a smooooooth finish. :D
hot shower after a hard days graft in the garden
Niva boar brush (still fekin stinks after weeks!)
Nanny's Patchouli soft soap
Gillette Rocket TV in all it's rhodium plated shinyness
Personna med prep
Barbershop Bay Rum

My word what a shave!!! First time out with these blades and they are nothing short of SUPERB!!! Very, very smooth indeed (please sir (Cyril) can I have some more?)
I can't believe I have had these sitting here for weeks and this is the first time I have used them. Possibly not as sharp as feathers, but much much smoother. I think these may well become my favourite blade. If you haven't tried them GET SOME NOW
daz said:
hot shower after a hard days graft in the garden
Niva boar brush (still fekin stinks after weeks!)
Nanny's Patchouli soft soap
Gillette Rocket TV in all it's rhodium plated shinyness
Personna med prep
Barbershop Bay Rum

My word what a shave!!! First time out with these blades and they are nothing short of SUPERB!!! Very, very smooth indeed (please sir (Cyril) can I have some more?)
I can't believe I have had these sitting here for weeks and this is the first time I have used them. Possibly not as sharp as feathers, but much much smoother. I think these may well become my favourite blade. If you haven't tried them GET SOME NOW

I have those blades, I bought 100, the are my second favourite blade behind NOS Perma-Sharps, but I don't think there is that much difference between those and the Lab Blues except they're around a tenner dearer. Some people reckon that they're the same blade but just go through some more thorough sterilisation process, all I know is that I did a half and half test with the same razor and I could not detect much difference.
Monday morning

Gillette face wash
Proraso pre
Arko stick face lathered
New forest 1901
Rapira swede (2)
Alum, witch hazel
Musco real no 3 after shave
C&e Nomad edt

Nice shave today - back to work and time to catch up!
This morning:

Prep: Cold rinse
Razor: Filarmonica 14 Especial, just under 7/8"
Brush: Neep #1213 Aztec in malachite (29mm extra silvertip)
Soap: Prof Blighty's Peppermint

What a great razor this is.
I'm traveling this week, and took my friends Vero, Rocket, and Palmolive with me ;)

Prep: shower, and face wash with hotel soap
Creme: Palmolive Classic
Brush: Vero boar brush
Razor: Gillette HD
Blade: Personna Red
Post: Nivea Sensitive

Monday 3rd June 2013
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM Damaskeene OC
Blade: GEM Stainless Coated
Brush: Vulfix 406 Boar
Soap: N.S.S. Olive Oil Recipe Marzipan
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)

A really lovely shave. This soap is one of the most slippery soaps that I have tried and it leaves the skin feeling very soft and smooth, do doubt at least in part due to the Olive Oil. I like it very much.


sun morn

usual prep
fatip piccolo
lab blue (2)
valobra stick face lather
simpson brush
nivia asb
pen's 1870

left it longer between shaves, an excellent 2 pass shave. better than dfs not quite bbs

still learning the angles with this razor. a good purchase.
Monday Morning

Prep: Hot Shower
Brush: New Forest Super Badger
Soap: MWF
Razor: Gillette NEW with iKon Bulldog handle
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium
Balm: Barbershop Bay Rum

Another excellent shave, this is fast becoming my go to set up, I do like the MWF and the Polsilvers.
Tall_Paul said:

Prep: Cold rinse
Razor: Kai Excelia \ Mergress long handle
Blade: Feather Proguard (1) \ Rapira (1)
Brush: Neep Jasper Aztec
Soap: Henk's Dutch Moss - scuttle lathered
Post: Witch hazel and IK balm

Back to WTG passes with the kamisori. Was watching Shavenation on Youtube and he reckons around 100 shaves at least until you get a half decent one! It is a steep learning curve to be sure.

Finished off with the Mergress. Couple of weepers easily closed to leave a smooooooth finish. :D

Paul, I think Shavenation is talking out of the top of that piece of cloth he wears on his head on this one. If you can p*** and whistle at the same time you'll have the Kamisori nailed in half that time.

Personally, I wouldn't take any notice of someone who dresses up as a pirate and then videos himself shaving.
Monday iii June, 2013

Prep: Hot shower, Body Shop Facial Scrub
Pre: Cold Water Splash
Brush: Neep '67 Custom Threepenny Bit Extra Silvertip
Soap: Dr Dittmar Speziale
Razor: Ikon OSS OC mode
Blade: Feather Seikan #1
Post: Thayers Lemon WH, Proraso White ASB
ASL: Givenchy Gentleman

Result: Strange one this morning. Got out the heavy hitters to remove two days growth, but it failed to deliver. Couldn't get the Dittmar to produce anything its normal quality & quantity which made for a tuggy & slightly uncomfortable experience. Still I managed to get through three passes and it ended with a smoothish chin.

Have a good, gents.

Today's shave,
Pre: GFT West Indian Limes Skinfood.
Razor: Progress. (Loaned in)
Blade: Rhino. (2)
Brush: Simpson Polo 8, super.
Cream: T&H West Indian Limes. (From the sample pack).
Aftershave: GFT West Indian Limes.
Balm: T&H West Indian Limes. (From the sample pack).
EdC: T&H West Indian Limes. (From the sample pack).


As the sun is out I decided to go for a Limes shave today.

Scuttle: Schwarzweisskeramik
Razor: Joseph Rodgers 'Real Olde English Razor' 6/8" near wedge
Brush: Simpson's Chubby 1 Best Badger
Cream: St James Cedarwood & Clarysage
Astringent: Osma Alum
Aftershave: St James Cedarwood & Clarysage


Notes: Pretty effortless and reasonably close. I liked the shave but used too much pressure to try and achieve a smoother result. Quite forgiving though as wedges tend to be.
Hot flannel
Proraso pre, green
EJ Best Badger, TOBS Jermyn St cream
Merkur Progress (#2.5), Personna Lab Blue (2)
Cold splash, alum block
Clinique post-shave soother

As I was using a cream, I decided to get the floppy EJ brush out of retirement. Conclusion? The Simpson's Colonel would have done the job much better... so the EJ will be going back in the box when it's dried out. Otherwise a spiffing shave... nice and smooth for a meal out tonight
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