S.O.T.D. Saturday 1st April to Friday 7th April 2017

Tue 4th April
Omega 11126
OSP Bay Rum
Supply Single Edge 3*plate
Schick Japanese [ 1 ]
Alum Rub/rinse off
Myrsol Antesol A/S lotion

I have had 20+ shaves with this Razor,using a 3*plate as I have a heavy beard.I have use NOS,Personna and a Chick Blade.The latter with a lot of work produced moderate shaves.

Today used a Japanese Schick,but should not have bothered as it slithered over the surface with barely cutting at all, was so bad that I abandoned the Shave,and ejected the blade.Will try another
Schick or cut down AC. I have contacted Supply about my experience as I can generally get a good shave with most old/modern SE/Injectors that I have tried.

Exec Shaving pre
Semogue 2000
ATT M2/Astra
Extro Bay Rum
The 2000 was on debut and paired with my first experience with Cella, it was disappointing.
I couldn't get the combination to lather if I'd still been trying an hour later.
Brush has had 6/8 lather/dry cycles and seemed soft enough but I couldn't get the bubbles out of the lather,...what lather there was thin and didn't last.
The first pass was so poor that I mixed up some Vulfix cream which saved the day.
Mebbe it was me, but the Cella had nowhere near the cushion and glide I'd experienced with even the cheapest cream.
The alum rub was 'entertaining', to put it mildly, presumably due to the first pass. The Extro was expectedly bracing, but I'm off to apply some Cade a/s balm.
Not a fan of soap so far,....:-(
Last edited:
Sotd 04/04/2017

pre: hot water -vegetable soap herbal karitè - proraso red
soap: proraso red - sandalwood
Brush: Zentih Ceramic Manchurian
razor: muhle r89 astra blu *1
after shave: Patrichs mimetic
Original Lather Bowl - via barberia
I love your brush..I don't need any more brushes but I could make room for one like that!