S.O.T.D. Saturday 18th March to Friday 24th March 2017

SOTD: 3/22/2017 - "Yes, Please!"

Pre: Hot shower
Brush: West Coast Shaving 3-band Silvertip
Soap: Captain's Choice "45th Parallel"
Razor: West Coast Shaving Open Comb on Barber Pole stainless handle w/ Voskhod blade (1)
Post: Captain's Choice "45th Parallel" aftershave balm and "Bay Rum" aftershave

Hot dang! This soap is excellent. Takes a bit to work up, but it smells like I just dunked my head in a bushel of cherries. And the bay rum on top was quite the kicker. Lovely shave while shooting a special project video coming soon!

Be smooth and shave it up, everyone!

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Hi Paul,
I think you may get a few DE Shavers salivating for that one. Do not ever drop it.
Thur 23rd March
RazoRock Plissoft 22mm
The General & Windrose Handle
Feather Pro [ 6 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Myrsol Antesol A/S lotion

I like my Daily Shave, and despite not having fully recovered from my throat infection found that a shave perks you up. As usual the General is good, but I perhaps neglected essential polishing up work in one area.


Tried the Schick Proline P20 (sent to me by James AKA @Acer89) in the General tonight. This is the best blade I've used so far and the closest shave.
I still had a bit of irritation in the one area but I think it could be down to my previous shave.

I'll be giving the General a miss for a few days and see how my skin feels when I go back to it.

The LPL soap was good. A nice scent but nothing like the Fougere's I've used before. It's a familiar scent but I can't put my finger on what it is.
