S.O.T.D. Saturday 14th February to Friday 20th February 2015

Prep - Shower / Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam towel
Razor - Gillette Fat Handled Tech
Blade - Gillette Silver Blue (#4)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Cella
After - Frozen towel / Alum
Result - BBS

Well, it's official, the Fat Handled Tech is my favourite razor. Close call between it and my Slim Adjustable but I just love the look of this. I reckon the handle works better for me, especially compared to my Ball Handled Tech. The grip is good but I reckon it allows me to manoeuvre the razor much better.
It's a mild one alright but with a sharp blade like the GSB or Feathers, it's outstanding. I always get a very comfortable shave, and certainly one I can totally depend on if needed. It'll be in my ready-to-go bag from now on.
Gordy said:
Razor - Gillette Fat Handled Tech

Well, it's official, the Fat Handled Tech is my favourite razor. . I reckon the handle works better for me, especially compared to my Ball Handled Tech. The grip is good but I reckon it allows me to manoeuvre the razor much better.

Hi there,

The Tech works well for me too, seeing as how I like mild razors. I have a few versions and they both feel ok in my hand but nothing special. Just me I know, but they don't have that sexy look or feel that I like in a razor.

However, when you stick that head onna handle with some weight and knurling with some bite to it, it becomes a different razor. Different in a better way for me.

Something to think about in any case,


Thursday 19th February 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Gillette Rocket 'Paperclip'
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock Yellow
Brush: Semogue Mistura
Soap: Tabac Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Boucheron Jaïpur Homme


Thursday 19th February 2015

Neutrogena Glyc Soap
Victoria PB Brush
Proraso Green cream
ER !914
Gem S/S Ex USA [ 4 ]
Alum Rub/ Rinse Off
Woods Of Windsor A/S Balm
La Toja A/S Lotion

MMOC v Other SE [ER & Gem ]
Using this particular 1914 for first time, with blade on 4. VG shave, very comfortable and vying with the MMOC for closeness & Finish.
ATTack of the Slants - Day 3
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Noxzema cleanser cream
Soap: Stirling - Bay Rum
Bowl: Fine Accoutrements
Brush: MÜHLE Kosmo 23mm silvertip synthetic
Razor: ATT S2 Kronos
Blade: Rapira Swedish SS (3)
After: SeaDrift Soaps Bay Rum AS, Sandalwood Skin Food

Day 3 of comparing my ATT S2 open-comb slant against my S1 closed-comb.

I felt a definite difference between using this S2 with this blade on its third use compared to the same razor on day 1 on its first use of this blade. Smoother and much more pleasant today. So I believe my initial impressions of the S2 being abrasive were mainly down to first use of a very sharp Rapira Swedish SS blade.
Having said that I still feel the S2 is slightly more aggressive than the S1. Great BBS afterwards, no irritation and no "missed bits" that I experienced with the S1.

I would say that both slant baseplates shouldn't take a very sharp blade as I believe the twist of the blade makes cutting more efficient and heightens the effective sharpness of the blade. In fact I think I could easily used this blade a fourth time no probs.

So again, there's not much difference between the two baseplates and I'm sure once I get used to each I can get just as good a shave from either. I think the main point is if you like open or closed combs really. My preference today is for the S2 but like I usually say - my favourite razor is the one I've just used.

Final day of testing - getting a bit sick of Bay Rum now.

Shave on...
Sapone : Lebelle Soaps TvbShaving Vetiver 1
Pennello : Nero Ardesia 26mm Sivertip
Rasoio : Thiers Issard 69 5/8 Best Silver Steel
Strop : Paciccella in Cordovan
AS : Dr Harris Windsor


Prep: Shower

Soap: Tabulated Rasa Vetiver and Tangerine - face lathered

Brush: Simpson Duke 3 best

Razor: Ikon Shavecraft 101 - 3 passes (OC, SB, SB)

Blade: Vintage Permasharp (1)

Post: Cold Splash

AS: Proraso Green

Best shave I've had in ages, the 101 has sat in a drawer for about a year, can't understand why now! Effortless, smooth BBS, it's amazing!

Afternoon, everyone.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Super Max SS (6)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Wickham's Southsea Spray
Aftershave: Pashana Bay Rum
Cologne: Versace Black Jeans
SOTD - Thurs
Pre: Village Barber oil
Cream: Miller Harris "Feuilles de Tabac"
Brush: Bethlehem olivewood handle, 24mm Pur-Tech synthetic
Razor: Gillette W-1 Super-Speed
Blade: Vintage Turkish Perma-Sharp Supreme (3)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel, followed by Antica Barbieria Colla (ABC) balm
Found this cream in the back of my stash drawer and dragged it out for its first use. Whipped up a lovely dense cream very easily and scent is very nice (sweet tobacco leaf with sage/black pepper).
It didn't have the slickness I was hoping for (creams rarely do) but had a very nice 3-pass DFS.
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