S.O.T.D. Saturday 13th May to Friday 19th May 2017

Sunday Shave
Omega s10065 Syn.
De Vergulde Hand
RR Hawk & S/S Handle
Schick Proline P-20 [ 6 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse Off
Williams Aqua Velva A/S Lotion

Have found that I can only use the little Hawk with a heftier handle, which allows the head to be
to be used without pressure . As this is a requirement to avoid mishaps from what I feel is an
aggressive Razor, which has enough blade feel to make you aware to use a light touch.

Though the Shave was not smooth, one can by not rushing attain a more than passable close
all round Shave. Certainly for me not a first choice Razor, but interesting to test your shaving

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Interesting writeup. I'm waiting on a RR Black Hawk so it'll be interesting to find out how aggressive/mild I find it. I think I'm, personally, tending towards aggressive razors having started with straights and enjoying using my Futur Clone on setting 4 for the last outing.
Funnily enough I have planned to use a Futur today, as the performance of the Hawk reminds me of it. If this is your first outing with an SE use a mild blade, and in its original form is very light so I use a S/S Handle. Good luck with The Hawk.
Funnily enough I have planned to use a Futur today, as the performance of the Hawk reminds me of it. If this is your first outing with an SE use a mild blade, and in its original form is very light so I use a S/S Handle. Good luck with The Hawk.
Interesting... reminds you how? Sorry about the 20Q's! It will be once it arrives - unfortunately/fortunately I'll only have Feather Pros and Feather Pro Supers to use, so I might look at getting some Titan milds. I'd like to think I've got a light touch and I'm sure a light razor may assist with that... Thanks for the luck! I might need it, but then again I might not!

Hello @Benz3ne ,i can send you a Kai mild pink to try in your RR Hawk .PM me your address.
Both look similar due to matte finish on my Futur,and with a S/S handle are of a similar weight,and similar blade feel. If you PM me with address I could send you a couple of less aggessive blades.Though am on the move a lot this week and the next.
Mike B
Looks like beaten to it!
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Hello @Benz3ne ,i can send you a Kai mild pink to try in your RR Hawk .PM me your address.
Positively generous! PM'd
Both are Alu,and with a S/S handle are of a similar weight,and similar blade feel. If you PM me with address I could send you a couple of less aggessive blades.Though am on the move a lot this week and the next.
Mike B
Thanks for the offer as well Mike! It seems you guys are throwing blades at me! Figuratively, of course...

I've taken Pat up on his kind offer so I'll hang fire for now. I'll see how I get on and update in due course!

Thanks again!


I had my second shave with the Guerrilla last night. Unfortunately it wasn't a resounding success. I changed the blade from a Gillette Platinum to a Polsilver. Usually the Polsilver has no issues cutting my stubble. With the Guerrilla I found I needed multiple passes which has left me a little tender in places. To say I'm dejected is an understatement.

I'm really not in the mood to say anything more…..walks into a corner and starts crying.

I'm disappointed with my Guerrilla shave. Unsure if I'm going to keep it.

Brush: Vie Long 04503
Razor: Hone Type 15 w/ Muhle Razor Blade (3)
Soap: I Coloniali Mango Oil
Post: Thayers Rose, Aloe Vera Gel & Marks and Spencers Collezione Classic

A bittersweet shave, sweet because it was superb and bitter because the soap is discontinued so each use is savoured! I have to say these Muhle blades are fantastic, was expecting them to be a wee bit rough today but I think I had my best shave ever with the Hone. No issues at all, even ATG on my upper lip which can be a tad harsh with the hone.

The soap is fantastic and I will hunt and hunt to find a refill, wish I had bought one when I could, it was in my basket enough times. Made for a perfect lather with the horse hair, the brush is the right size to load well from the terracotta pot. Superb start to the week.
I was starting to think it was just me.
I've tried a few high end razors, Blackbird and the Timeless and struggled to get a decent shave from either. I really want to love the Guerrilla so I'm not giving up yet.
It's only early days yet!..sometimes we expect too much,too soon..stick with it, if it doesn't perform to your expectations..move on, or stick with what does. I can't speak for your trial of the so called "high end razors",i find my Fatip Grande, extremely efficient for the fraction of the price.,' A egg is a egg ' obviously some are better than others, but they all do same thing. It's down to the individual of what they buy & use, all of my DE razors in general, give me satisfactory results most of the time.., I'm not on a quest to have the perfect razor,or achieve the Perfect sublime shave. Take it easy.Regards.
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