S.O.T.D. Saturday 13th May to Friday 19th May 2017

SOTD Sunday 14th May..Old Spice Sunday..smell like a man

Pre....Shower / BBA Shave oil
Razor....Supply SE #3 plate
Blade....Schick # 5
Soap....Old Spice...Shulton
Brush....Semouge Owners Club Badger
Post....Thayers Lavender
A/S....Old Spice..Shulton

The Supply gave a fab shave as always, the soap is still as protective as it was when new with a great lather whipped up with my fab SOC badger, finnishing with a splash of the aftershave. Perfect

Have a great Sunday people.........
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14th May 2017.
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: hot shower:/Cien~Men: Tropical blast Shower Gel & Shampoo / warm wet flannel to my face.


Bloom water face wash+Freshwood Brushless Shave Cream .

Brush: Semogue 1305.

Bowl Lather.

Soap: Palmolive Shave Stick .

Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux .(1)

Razor:Gillette Slim Twist.

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Peppermint Oil & Witch Hazel Mixture./ Brut: A/S.

Boots: Freshwood A/S Balm.


recently i've been face lathering with my shave sticks,today i tried cutting a small disc of palmolive stick into my mixing bowl,blooming it for a few minutes in warm water..

which produced a wonderful creamy lather more than enough for my shave ..a good pre-face wash, before i applied the lather.

A wonderful mild, but efficient silky smooth shave,yet again with no errors to report..the Rapira Platinum Lux performance today was superb... these blades pair up really well with all my razors.

Finishing the shave off in old school style, with a very generous splash of Brut.

Enjoy your sunday,ladies & gentlemen.
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14 May

Brush: Mixed Badger & Boar Progress Vulfix 404 Grosevoner
Razor: Black Beauty Long handle
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Soap: Phoenix & Beau Solaris

A bit different for me today to start with the brush is about a week or so old and is breaking in superbly well, I received the Soap from a fellow member and first impressions are great nice slick lather, not keen on menthol soaps/creams but this had just the right amount for me and the post shave was superb I didn't feel the need for a balm.
Again the razor a Gillette super adjustable Long Handle which I bought off a fellow member on here, superb weight for me and I think because it is so heavy it I'mproved my less pressure is better technique, paired with a Gillette Silver Blue on the setting 3 it provided 2 outstanding shaves WTG and XTG not quite BBS but close enough however this setting is real mild for me I have used 6 for a few weeks on my old slim but now I will begin taking it up a notch now and then to find the perfect setting. Thanks again to all the fellow members who I purchased from.
SOTD: 14/05/2017

Prep: warm shower
Razor: Frankenrazor – Muhle R41 head and Parker 24C handle
Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (3)
Brush: Simpson Special Best Badger
Soap: Haslinger Schafmilch mit Lanolin
Post-shave: warm water, cold water, Thayers Witch Hazel Unscented, Simpsons Aftershave Balm, Ralph Lauren Polo Sport EDT

Yesterday I wasn't well so couldn't be bothered shaving. So two days growth to test the Muhle R41 head. Pairing with the Parker 24C handle felt as though the razor had more heft than last weeks combination with the EJ89 3D Laser handle. Combined again with the Rapira Swedish Supersteel. With no pressure the result was very efficient and very smooth. I'm happy to achieve DFS+ but today I believe I achieved BBS.

I have seven blades I like to use so rotate them. To keep track of what razor, blade and soap/cream I'm using I setup the one thing I said I didn't want to – a spreadsheet. You'd think that working in the finance department of a district hospital I wouldn't enjoy setting this up. But I did! Sad eh!

After my post on the Only Two Soaps thread I thought I should use the Haslinger today. Glad I did! Easy to lather, protective and slick. The post shave feel is excellent.

Have a great Sunday gents!
Last night's shave,

Proraso Pre Shave
Merkur Futur set to 1 / Feather Hi 1
Mason Pearson Pure Badger brush
Truefitt & Hill No10 Cream
Alum, cold rinse.
Boots Freshwood Aftershave Balm

I usually shave only every two days as I'm lucky enough to get away with it, but I was in the mood for shaving.
I thought I would try a Feather blade. . . .
Pass one was fine, no problems at all.
Rinsed my face and re leathered, immediately I could feel stinging.
I knew pass one was close, but Christ , this was not pleasurable at all.
I continued with pass two with the stinging, and managed a small nick on my neck.
Alum rub just stung all over my face and neck. I don't think I'll be using Feather blades again!
My personal advice is omit the Alum in your shaves for a while...i only use my alum block when i get a nick, as it doesn't agree with me..and i have skin like a rhino!..if you have a body care store in your area, buy some Aloe Vera Gel..it's only a £1, this will work wonders on your post-shave..i can't comment on the feather blades,or a merkur futur, but that's an aggressive duo..i find that aggressive blades work much better in my non-aggressive razors..once you've mastered your technique and gained more shaving confidence "like us all" you'll be able to return to your feather blades.Regards.
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Thank you Sir,

I will pick some up, and will swerve the alum for the meantime.
A Cashmere knot from APShaveCo ? How does it perform ? And - what's the loft of this brush ?
Have a Cashmere knot and going to make a brush with it ...
ATT SE1 Kronos
Schick Proline P-20 (1)
SOC Boar
Saponificio Varesino, Tundra Artica
Thayers Rose petal , Aloe Vera Gel
Razorock xXx

First shave with the Proline blades and found them to be sharp and smooth, although I have some redness on the right side of my neck.A wonderful lather from the SV soap with the added bonus of a fantastic scent.