S.O.T.D. Saturday 11th May to Friday 17th May 2013

Prep: Nivea Sensitive Face Wash, Cold Water, Proraso Pre Green Tea & Oatmeal
Soap: D.R. Harris Windsor
Brush: Neep 28mm Extra Silvertip
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Super Iridium (1)
Post: Thayers Cucumber WH, Clinique Post-Shave Healer, Clinique M Lotion
EdT: Pen's Opus 1870

My pairing of Neep's large Extra Silvertip and D.R. Harris soap wasn't the best, as it made hard work of working up a good lather. The brush is definitely more suited to creams. Besides that, an enjoyable no-drama shave.
Prep: Hot Shower
Cream: TOBS Grapefruit
Brush: Simpsons Chubby 2 Best
Razor: Gillette New Bostonian with UFO 2 handle
Blade: Swede (2)
Balm: Barbershop Bay Rum

I really like this razor, but I don't like its handle, it is too light. I have currently got my UFO on it which is much better. What I need is a gold plated Bulldog handle. Perhaps I will get daz to make a copy of my Weber bulldog, than get Dave to gold plate it.
Saturday 11th May

Warm shower
Hot flannel
Speick cream scuttle lathered
Simpson Emperor 1 super badger brush
Gillette OC Aristocrat
Sputnik (3)
Cold rinse
Witch hazel
Speick aftershave

Another fine shave today, Liking the quality of the Speick products. :icon_smile:
Prep: Shower
Scuttle: Schwarzweisskeramik
Razor: Riki Shia '888' 6/8" half hollow
Brush: Thater 4125/00 2-band fan
Cream: St James of London 'Cedarwood & Clarysage'
Astringent: Osma Alum
Cologne: St James of London 'Cedarwood & Clarysage' post-shave cologne

Notes: A good shave, 2-pass and a touch, near BBS, little alum sting. First razor I'd finished on a Suehiro Gokumyo 20k and it was certainly keen enough.
A late morning quick shave okay due to lack of time - didn't do myself any favours with one pass and a sore neck!

Gillette face wash
Proraso pre
Body shop Macca root
New forest 1901 brush
Merkur progress set at 3
Rapira stainless (3)
Witch hazel
Trumpers coral skin food
Nivea balm
Sex pistols edit

Actually shaved last night then again this afternoon - a real rarity for me as I have quite slow growth. Anyway, I had just about enough stubble to merit a pass or two and really fancied a shave, so here goes.

Planet Rock on the radio.
Hot shower, Bulldog facial scrub.
Weber DLC
Zorrik Super Stainless (2)
T&H No. 10 cream
NF brush

couple of passes and a wee touch-up under the jawline on both sides.
Proraso ASL and pre-post cream.

Happy Face!

What a fantastic story, Dick. I love provenance like that.

I have a Kampfe Star razor and can date mine reasonably accurately by the jewellers box it came in.


Prep: Hot flannel
Razor: CJB Kamisori \ Gillette Sheraton
Blade: Feather Professional (1) \ Rapira (2)
Brush: Semogue 1305
Soap: Klar Kabinett - suribachi lathered
Post: Witch hazel and IK balm
Cologne: Blenheim Bouquet

New Feather blade so put two cuts in a toilet roll tube. Still bloody sharp and after nicking myself a couple of times on a couple of WTG passes I decided not to risk an ATG pass and went for the Sheraton.

I think I'm going to order some Proguards and see how I get on with those instead. Perhaps the Professional are too steep a learning curve initially.

That whips my Auto strop, Pat April 9 1912, Titanic set sail next day, April 10th 1912, Makes you wonder what our vintage razors have seen don't it :s

Dr Dulcamara said:

Hi Doc,I think Martin would be interested in trying that soap, I wager he's dribbling over your nice photo like.....No lets not go there shall we:angel:

What a classy razor, those OC Aristos are pretty drool worthy.

Thanks I agree I'm pleased with this razor, it had its faults but repaired now. I have a Aristocrat 16 that will be making an appearance later next week :blush: I seem to have had a splurge the last 2 weeks buying vintage razors :icon_rolleyes:.
Regards Brian