S.O.T.D. Saturday 10th January to Friday 16th January 2015


Wednesday 14th January 2014
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM Junior 1912 Baton Handle
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Semogue Mistura
Soap: Speick Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Bogart One Man Show


Arko stick
Vulfix Bodger
11H New, Perma-Sharp Super
Selin Limon Kolonyasi

I didn't get on with these blades in the early days. Having tried them again in both a Progress and this LC New I still don't!

Afternoon, everyone.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Polsilver SI (5)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: MWF
Aftershave: Professo Blighty's Sandalwood
Cologne: Sandalwood off E-bay

A good, easy shave.
Vitos soap
Omega boar
Weber PH + Personna chrome platinum
Myrsol f/extra

Suffering from a bout of man flu, so just a quick 2 pass tidy up. First time with the Vitos, easy to lather and nice post shave feel. The Personna felt a bit harsh in the weber, so will switch back to a Polsilver next time.
Hot shower
Musgo Real cream
Bodyshop synthetic
Personna Blue (3)
Apollo Slant head on Jagger DE89 handle
Nivea sensitive ASB
Aquatonic AS

A lovely afternoon shave. The Apollo head made short work of 2.5 days growth.
Cold water splash
Acqua Di Parma Collezione Barbiere
M&F 1/2 in Blonde Badger
ATT M2 Kronos
Perma-Sharp Super (4)
Clinique Post-Shave Soother
Acqua Di Parma Colonia

Feeling refreshed and ready to start cooking some pasta sauce

Have a great evening everyone!
A very different combination

Dove soap wash
Proraso pre shave
How to grow a moustache frost bite soap(face lathered)
Schick golden 500 injector
EJ pure badger
Alum (rinse off)
Thayers lavender witch hazel
Paco robane XS aftershave
Pinaud face talc on neck.

2nd shave with the schick and love it. The frost bite is very cold,better in the summer. Not used the talc before but gives a great finish.
Cold water
Lord tech clone with lab blue
Gillette mach3 sensitive gel
IK balm

Been using this combo for a week now. BBS everytime with no irritation or sensitivity.

If I'm honest the gel is probably better than a third of the soaps I've tried. Perhaps it's because when I used to use gel I didn't know how to shave. ..
Omega 10810
Wickhams SS Bay Rum (Face Lathered)
Derby [1]
Blue Stratos AS
Didn't even manage 1 pass with the Derby, they really are the pitts (for me anyway!), swapped back the Astra SP - much better. This is still a scary beast. Resulting a good shave, but a lot of attention required...