S.O.T.D. Saturday 10th January to Friday 16th January 2015

6th outing in a row for the little Schick...
Omega 10810
Schick L1
Personna [6]
Arko Ice Mint ASB
Nivea Moisturiser
Milton Lloyd - AROMA DI JEAN

Another good shave from the L1, couple of weepers, but that's due to me pushing it too far. No sign of the blade dragging yet....

Evening, everybody.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Polsilver SI (3)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave cream: L'Occitane Cade
Aftershave: L'Occitane Cade
Omega boar
Weber PH + Personna Chrome Platinum
Myrsol f/extra

First time using Cella. Nice shave but a bit disappointed with the scent. Was expecting a massive marzipan hit but found it a very faint scent of old school soap - as in the soap that used to be in the school toilets when I was a lad.
13 January 2015 Shaving Plan

Tuesday 13th January - SE To DE !

Neutrogena Glyc Bar
404 mixed
La Toja cream
Merkur Futur [ 2 ]
Lab Blue [1 ]
Alum Rub/rinse off
Myrsol Antesol
La Toja A/S lotion

Achieved great shave. After nearly a month of using different SE razors, decided
to throw DE shave in. Definitely improved my technique, as far more careful with the
Futur,so no silly nicks as before. So won`t bin my Merkurs yet.
Next, have to continue my MM experience.

Tuesday 13th January 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Treet 1912 Baton Handle
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Semogue OC 2012 SE Mixed
Soap: Tabac Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Boucheron Jaïpur Homme


Gillette New Standard (1328024 13th January 1920) Patent Anniversary:


Bulldog Face Wash
Eurcris Shaving Soap & Omega 98
Gillette New Standard & SuperMax Blue Diamond (2)
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel Aftershave Lotion & EDT

Face Lathered
One Pass - WTG
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