S.O.T.D. Sat. 28st Sept. to Frid. 4th October. 2013

Tall_Paul said:
Maybe I did too many cuts (three) through the loo roll inner?

You are one lucky bastard to have me for a buddy. I can help!!! Yes, I know all about the various issues that can occur from 'corking' a blade. Years ago when that concept was first being debated in the Smart forum, I got to follow along. So let's examine some possible potential culprits.

First of all, is the three cuts your normal amount? Even one extra cut can make a difference in the shave. You have to be consistent and not vary things.

Second, not every blade needs the same amount of 'taming', so that you may need 1-2 strokes more, or even less strokes than usual. You just never know till you try it.

Then you have the material being used. Is this your regular crap paper roll? If the answer is no, then you may have to adjust your cut count.

There's a few other things to watch for, but these are the most basic ones. Paul, I think you should make it a point to fine tune 'corking' into an art form. Really, it should be pretty easy, with only 6-7 things that can change the shave.

My pleasure adding my expertise here,

Re: RE: S.O.T.D. Sat. 28st Sept. to Frid. 4th October. 2013

You forgot to try to persuade him to try something new. Maybe the Dodgemeister is getting soft in his old age

Dammit this is complicated! Just one cut next time then (and perhaps I should use the same brand of crap paper for a bit).
SOTD - Autumn 1 (Saturday)

Soap: Arko in a tub
Brush: I made myself a new Dreadnought with Claret swirl resin and clear resin.
Razor: Fatip Grande Gold + Feather blade
After: Nivea Balm
Autumn: Blackberries


Afternoon, gents.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89 with Bulldog handle
Blade: Gillette Superthin (1)
Brush: Ecotools Kabuki
Shave cream: Endymion
A/S: Pashana Original

Comimg down with my traditional Autumn cold, but this shave cheered me up. Accidental BBS with no problems.
Tall_Paul said:
Dammit this is complicated!

Oh stop whining. You wanna get this right don't you?

One more thing to keep in mind is how deep the cuts are to be. Yep, you need it set at a good depth, otherwise.........well it has to do with stuff like grinds and bevels and blade tables and who knows what. How you determine that is more trial and error of course. Just one more small variable to add and then figure out.

I said you were lucky to have me here to guide you,

Saturday 28th September

Warm shower
Hot flannel
TOBS Rose cream bowl lathered
Simpson 56 best badger brush
Gillette New Improved silver (British made)
Sputnik (1)
Cold rinse
Thayers Lavender witch hazel
Myrsol F/extra aftershave

Top class shave today. The New Improved and Sputnik perfect match for me :icon_smile:
Saturday 28th September

Brush: Omega 10810
Soap: Derby grated
Razor: Schick L Type
Blade: Personna (6)
Post: Witch Hazel, Floid Vigoroso

Perfect shave, BBS without even trying. Happy chap. This small stature brush holds a lot of lather, plenty for probably 4 passes from a 30 second swirl. Thick, creamy, lubricative and protective. Great shave.

PS. is lubricative a word? iPhone doesn't give me the red squiggly line so it could well be...
NotTheStig said:
You forgot to try to persuade him to try something new. Maybe the Dodgemeister is getting soft in his old age

Normally your concern would have some merit, but I gotta be careful. I am already using one form of mind control and it's not as effective if I add something else to the mix. You're right though, it's not my usual pattern.

Razor: Towa Japanese Hollow
Brush: Neep Tall Zebra
Cream: GFT Spanish Leather
EDT: Boss Soul

Perfect Shave.

Shave Vid

Hone Vid
Neep said:
SOTD - Autumn 1 (Saturday)

Soap: Arko in a tub
Brush: I made myself a new Dreadnought with Claret swirl resin and clear resin.
Razor: Fatip Grande Gold + Feather blade
After: Nivea Balm
Autumn: Blackberries

That is one beautiful looking brush there, very nice!
Jagger Hydrating Pre-Shave
L'Occitaine Soap
Fitjar balm
L'Occitane EdeC as an aftershave as well as body spray.
Razor - Brian Brown Kamisori

The razor came along a couple of days ago and felt good enough to shave but was very tuggy when I tried it yesterday. After honing from 4k onwards to a Zulu Grey stone, it gave a superbly smooth shave tonight.

The soap was bought last week when we were on a birthday week-end in Windsor - this is a really good place for shaving fans.

Prep: hot flannel and RS co face scrub
Brush: Old ws cheapy
Soap: Tobs sandalwood in wooden bowl
Razor: Merkur heavy with Astra green
Post shave: tobs gents' aftershave

A clean and pain free shave as always from this combo.

Not much in it but I still haven't made up my mind if I prefer shark chrome or astra green best