Russian Blades

I don't think I could either, I hope I hit on one brand eventually....
Gemstone trading sell a Russian blade sampler pack, I'd work through these before deciding on a bulk purchase.
I second the advice to be as consistent as possible when starting out, hopping about with blades definitely slowed the improvement in my technique. I have to travel every now & again for my work, my shaves improved noticeably when I was sent away for a fortnight & was forced to use one blade type, razor & soap combination.
I'm 8 months in now (SE & DE); found that practice (inc. lathering), preparation & knowing which way my beard grows were the dominant factors.
After that its garnish.
Stick with it, change one thing at a time & take your time being mindful to never apply pressure or shave an area that has no lather, avoid against the grain shaving until you are getting consistent irritation free passes.
It will improve, honest!
My skin is ridiculously sensitive & I can now shave daily with no irritation, could never do that with cartridges.

You have given me great feedback here ... Thanks