
Another month nearly over... 4kg to go and the internal revenue & customs officer tells me if I lose more I shall be positively skeletal... Doing 150-180km per week (but only setting out when its not actually raining or blowing a gale) mostly in my lunch hour (M-F) and before the family wake up on a weekend. Lycralout is trying to get me to join his cycling club buddies but I'm resisting (mandatory helmet rules and nothing grips my shit more than a sweaty - and useless, given the definition of the standard - helmet)
Well done fella, the end is nigh

I use Strava on the odd occasion I bother to start it up. Feel free to add me Jason Collins, London. Picture of a lime green mountain bike in my profile
Re: RE: Running

hunnymonster said:
(mandatory helmet rules and nothing grips my shit more than a sweaty - and useless, given the definition of the standard - helmet)

Were it not for that mandatory helmet I would have been long gone 15 years ago. I was only wearing a a fairly standard helmet but the damage inflicted to it convinced everyone if I had not been wearing it if not dead I would be nearly dead. I made a full recovery and would never cycle now anywhere without a helmet.
Really. It can save your life. Why not wear a lid. There are some really comfy ones out now, no excuses.
The standard calls for a test from 1m height at a speed of 12km/h and doesn't include the body attached to the test head. They are fear-of-litigation devices. Many helmet-damaging crashes would simply result in some road rash -

99% of Dutch cyclists don't wear a helmet and they have a considerably lower death rate from head injury than Australia where they're compulsory even though the Australian helmet standard is higher than the European one.

Really, I've tried to wear one, hated every second of it and should it ever become compulsory that is the day I give up cycling. Personal choice and given when and where I cycle, the profile of the road surface is more likely to damage my prostate than get a head injury from an 'off' or a SMIDSY (usually a vehicle principally white with a high-vis stripe down the side and a light bar on the roof if the close calls in the last five years is any guide)
I destroyed 2 helmets when I was racing mountain bikes ohhh about 15 years ago, both off road incidents. One was a over the handle bars moment, the bike come over the top of me and the front chainring split the outer shell and embedded itself into the poly core. 2nd one was a tree hugging moment that left the helmet in quite a mess.

I mainly just commute on my bike these days but still wear a lid, it didn't stop me from fracturing my elbow last year though!
I used to be a cat 1 roadie in the 80/90's and would also be dead now if it wasn't for a helmet due mainly to training crashes, I wouldn't go near a road on a bike without one, the traffic and general attitude to cyclists scares the crap out of me and thats from someone who was riding 250 plus miles a week.
hunnymonster said:
Just over 2kg to go now... I can almost feel the celebratory beer and curry (to be fair I've had plenty of that anyway lol - the saintliness part of the journey is over... Gently easing in to a more normal/sustainable pattern)

So what will the total be?

Since I gave up sugar followed by biscuits and pastries, I've lost 15 pounds. I'm wondering where I shall end up because I'm still eating my regular meals and not getting much exercise.
hunnymonster said:
99% of Dutch cyclists don't wear a helmet and they have a considerably lower death rate from head injury than Australia where they're compulsory even though the Australian helmet standard is higher than the European one.

I meant to post this ages ago but forgot all about it. Never wore a helmet when I was a child bombing around on my Raleigh 'Grifter', wouldn't even contemplate going out on my bike these days without one. I've had one minor tumble where I really smacked my head hard, I was very glad to be wearing a helmet that day. Anyway, Dutch cyclists...